
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - sweord

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add :-- Míne witan habbað ætre[ht] Ecgferðe ealle his áre þurh ꝥ swyrd þe him on hype hangode ðá hé ádranc, Cht. Th. 208, 22. And þeáh hé geþeó ꝥ hé hæbbe helm and byrnan and golde fǽted sweord (ofergyldene sweord, 22), gif hé ꝥ land nafað, hé bið ceorl swáþeáh, Ll. Th. i. 188, 9.

Related words: birn- (byrn-), hilt-sweord. sweord
