Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - swician
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- swician
- p. ode. I. to wander :-- Ðaer hí swiciaþ on swíman, firenweorc beraþ, Exon. Th. 79, 33; Cri. 1300. Suicade, suicudae spatiaretur, Txts. 99, 1893. Hí ðurh cúþe stówe swicedon and fóron per nota loca dispersi vagarentur, Bd. 4. 4; S. 571, 4. Hí swycedan geond wésten erraverunt in solitudine, Ps. Th. 106, 3. Swicedan, 39. Swiciende pervagatus. Wrt. Voc. ii. 68, 79. II. to depart, turn :-- Ná ic fram ðínum dónum dǽdum swicade a judiciis tuis non declinavi, Ps. Th. 118, 102. III. to deceive :-- Mǽst ǽlc swicode and óðrum derede wordes and dǽde, Wulfst. 160, 3. Ne ǽnig ne syrwe ne óðrum ne swicie, 73, 12: 70, 5. Lytelíce swician, 55, 16. Ða men ðe ne dorstan for Godes ege swician . . . ða ðe cúðan swician and befician and mid leásbregdum earmum mannum derian. L. I. P. 12; Th. ii. 320, 31-26. Swiciende licceteras árísaþ and forlǽraþ tó manege, Wulfst. 89, 17. III a. with prep, on, ymb, to practise deceit in relation to a matter; cf. O. Sax. swíkan umbi :-- Se ðe on mynstres ǽhtum mid fácne swicaþ he who fraudulently deceives in the matter of a monastery's possessions. Homl. Th. i. 398, 26. Annanias and Saphira swicedon on heora ágenum ǽhtum, 33. Se syrwienda deofol á swicaþ, embe mancyn is ever practising deceit in respect to man, Wulfst. 107, 23. Se sceaða georne swicode ymb ða sáwle, Cd. Th. 38, 15; Gen. 607. IV. to offend; also to be offended; scandalizare, scandalizari :-- Gif ðín hand ðé swicaþ (scandalizat), Mt. Kmbl. 18, 8, 9: Mk. Skt. 9, 43, 45. þeáh ðe ealle swicion ne swicige. ic ðé ná etsi omnes scandalizati fuerint serf non ego, 14, 29. IV a. to give offence by words, speak injuriously :-- Ná murcna ðú ná swica ðú non murmures, non blasphemes, Scint. 164, 16. [O. H. Ger. swichón vagari.]