
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - swícung

According to the Old English Dictionary:


f. I. deceiving, deluding, deceit, fraud, delusion: -Mid . swícunge deóflícre inlusione diabolica, Anglia xi. 117, 29. Swícunge ceápes fraud in trade. Lchdm. iii. 198, 31: 202, 13. For swícuncgum propter illusiones, R. Ben. Interl. 88, 5. II offence, occasion of stumbling; scandalum :-- Se ðe lufaþ bróðer his, swícung (scandalum; (scandala), swá þeáh wá ðam menn þurh ðæne swícung (scandalum) cymþ, 134, 2-3. [He (false men) ðe swiken, ðin agte wið swiking, ði soule wið lesing, O. E. Misc. 19, 602.] v. á-, ǽ-be-, hláford-swícung. swicung

Related words: 1 Jn. 2, 10) on him nys, Scint. 14, 12. Neód hit ys ðæt cuman swícunga
