
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - swingel[l]

According to the Old English Dictionary:


and swingel[l]e, an ; f. . I. literal, (a) a stripe, stroke :-- Hine man þreáge mid teartran steóre, ðæt is, him síge on swin-gella wracu (verberum vindicta). Gif hé þurh ða swingella ne biþ geriht . . . , R. Ben. 52, 6-8. Mid teartum swingellum acribus verberibus, 54, 4. Geswencte on bendum and on swingelum (swinglurn, MSS. C. V. ) for earn sóþan geleáfan, Homl. Skt. i. 5, 27. Swinglum, L. In. 48; Th. i. 132, 9, MSS. B. H. Wé witun ðé nellan on belǽdan swincgla us inferre plagas nobis, Coll. Monast. Th. 18, 24. (b) a scourging, whipping, flogging :-- Gif hwá his hýde forwyrce and cirican geierne sié him sió swingelle (swingle, MS. B. ) forgifen if any one incur the punishment of flogging, and run to a church, let the flogging be remitted to him, L. In. 5 ; Th. i. 104, 16. Hyne Drihten þreáde mid þearlwýslícere swingle. Ð á eode hé tó ðam bysceope . . . and hym eówde ða lǽla ðæra(-e?) swingellan ðe hé from Dryhtne onféng, Shrn. 98, 14-18. Hé wénde ðæt hé mid swinglan (verberibus) sceolde ða ánrédnesse his heortan ánescian . . . Hé hine mid tintregum and mid swinglan oferswíþan ne mihte, Bd. 1. 7 ; S. 477, 43-478, 2. Hié hine swingaþ . . . and æfter ðære swinglan hié hine ofsleáþ. Blickl. Homl. 15, 11. Hé líchamlíce wrace mid swingelle þolige vindicte corporali subdatur, R. Ben. 48, 12. Ðonne áh se teónd áneswingellan (swingelan, MSS. B. H. ) æt him (the wíteþeów), L. In. 48; Th. i. 132, 9. Gif hwylc wíf hire wífman swingþ and heó þurh ða swingle wyrð deád si mulier aliqua ancillam suam flagellis verberaverit, et ex illa verberatione moriatur, L. Ecg. P. ii. 4; Th. ii. 184, 1. Hé hire swingele behét. Homl. Skt. i. 9, 69. (c) a scourge, rod, whip :-- Swinela palmarum, Hpt. Gl. 510, 40. (d) a swingle, a stick to beat flax [cf. a swiuglestok pessel, the swingle le pesselin, to swingle the flax estonger vostre lyn, Wrt. Voc. i. 152, 39-44. A swyngelstok excussorium, excudia, Wülck. Gl. 581, 30: studia, 614, 1. A swyndyl-stoc exculidium, a swyndilland excudium, 696, 7, 8. I bete and swyn-gylle flax, Rel. Ant. ii. 197, 34. See also Cath. Angl. 374-5 and the notes there. Cf. Du. zwingelen to beat flax. Halliwell gives swingel as a name in several dialects for the part of the flail that strikes the corn, and batillus is translated by a belle clapere vel swyngell, Wülck. 567, 39]:-- Ic ða swingle (but spinle, MS. O. ; and the Latin text is proiiciens quam gestabam colum) mé fram áwearp, ðe ic seldon gewunode on handa to hæbbene, Homl. Skt. ii. 23 b, 367. II. figurative, chastisement, affliction :-- Wé scylen beón on ðisse ælðeódignesse útane beheáwene mid suingellan . . . ðætte suá hwæt suá nú on ús unnytes sié ðætte ðæt áceorfe sió suingelle from ús nunc foris per flagella tundimur . . . quatenus quid-quid in nobis est superfluum, modo percussio resecet. Past. 36 ; Swt. 253, 18-22. Ðæt sár ðære suingellan (swingellan, Cott. MSS. ) ðissa woruld-broca. Swt. 259, 2. Balthasar næs gemyndig his fæder swingle. Homl. Th. ii. 434, 27. Ða ðe him ondrǽdaþ Godes swingellan . . . ða ðe suá áheardode beóþ ðæt hié mon mid nánre swingellan gebétan ne mæg, Past. 37; Swt. 263, 1-9. Ic eom nú tó swingellan gearu ego in flagella paratus sum, Ps. Th. 37, 17. Manifealde synt synfulra manna swingelan, 31, 12. Swingellan, 34, 15. Swyngla, Ps. Spl. 72, 5. Swinla flagra, Hpt. Gl. 527, 24. On swingelum in verberibus, Ps. Spl. 88, 32 : Homl. Th. i. 578, 25. Swinglum, Ps. Th. 88, 29. God ðurh mislíce swingla his folces synna gehǽlþ, Homl. Th. i. 472, 12. and preceding word, swingell

Related words: wind-swingla,
