
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - swíþ-feorm

According to the Old English Dictionary:

adj. I. abounding in substance:--Him ðá Abraham gewát ǽhte lǽdan golde and seolfre swíðfeorm and gesǽlig (cf. gewiton him ǽhta lǽdan, feoh and feorme, 99, 22; Gen. 1650), Cd. Th. 106, 12; Gen. 1770. II. producing abundant sustenance, very fruitful:--Beóþ góde wíngeardas and swíþfeorme mannum, Lchdm. iii. 162, 31. III. violent. a storm) wíde fére swift and swíþfeorm, Exon. Th. 386, 35; Rä. 4, 72. Cf. swíþ-from. swiþ-feorm

Related words: next word:--Ic (
