Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - symbel
According to the Old English Dictionary:
symel, es;
- symbel
- n. I. a feast, banquet, entertainment:--Him (Adam and Eve) . . . and hyra eaferum swá wearð sárlíc symbel, Exon. Th. 226, 15; Ph. 406. Him (the blessed) is symbel and dreám, 353, 12; Sch. 96. Se becom tó Prisce, ðǽr hé deófolgeldum geald. Ðá gelaþode hé hine tó his symble. Ðá sǽde Marcellus him ðæt hé wǽre cristen, and him nǽre álýfed ðæt hé birgde ðara hǽþenra symbles, Shrn. 125, 28-31. Swefan æfter symble, Beo. Th. 238; B. 119. Symle, 2020; B. 1008. Ðonne árás hé fram ðam symle surgebat a media coena, Bd. 4, 24; S. 597, 7. Ðæt hám weorud tó symble gesomnod wæs and hé sæt mid him æt ðam symble vicani coenantes epulabantur, resedit et ipse cum eis ad convivium, 3, 10; S. 534, 26-28. Sittan æt symble,Exon. Th. 413, 27; Rä. 32, 12: 314, 16; Mód. 15. Sittan tó symble, Cd. Th. 259, 33; Dan. 701: Beo. Th. 4214; B. 2104. Symle, 982; B. 489. Tó ðam symle, Judth. Thw. 21, 12; Jud. 15. Ðǽr is Dryhtnes folc geseted tó symle, Rood Kmbl. 279; Kr. 141. Symbel (prandium) mín ic gearuade, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 22, 4. Herodes symbel (cenam) worhte, Mk. Skt. Lind. 6, 21. Hé hét beran on ðæt hús manegra cynna symbel, Shrn. 152, 25. Hé geaf mé sinc and symbel, Beo. Th. 4853; B. 2431. Symbel (ge)þicgan, 1242; B. 619: 2025; B. 1010. Symbel ymbsittan, 1132; B. 564. Symbel habban epulari, Ps. Th. 67, 2. Symbel ne álégon feasts failed no, Exon. Th. 352, 34; Reim. 5. Hwǽr cwom symbla gesetu? hwǽr sindon seledreámas, 292, 2; Wand. 93. Ðá wæs symbla mǽst geworden, 34, 31; Cri. 550: Beo. Th. 2469; B. 1232. Ðonne gecerres from symblum quando reuertatur a nuptis, Lk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 12, 36. II. a feast, religious festival:--Ðerh ðone dæg symbles (symbel, Lind.) per diem festum, Mk. Skt. Rush. 15, 6. Ðý ylcan dæge ealra wé healdaþ sancta symbel, Menol. Fox 397; Men. 200. [O. Sax. sumbal a feast, banquet: Icel. sumbl a banquet.] symbel