Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - symblan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- symblan
- p. ede; and symblian; p. ode To feast:--Hú mǽre ðín folc is, ǽlce dæge hit symblaþ, Ps. Th. 22, 7. Hió ofer hire suna symblaþ and blissaþ, 112, 8. Se weliga se ðe on ðæm godspelle gesǽd is ðætte ǽlce dæge symblede . . . Ða ðe ǽlce dæg symblaþ dives ille, qui epulatus quotidie dicitur splendide . . . epulando quotidie, Past. 43; Swt. 309, 3-9. Rihtwíse symbliaþ justi epulentur, Ps. Spl. C. 67, 3. Se weliga ǽlce dæge symblede (simblede, Cott. MSS.) dives epulabatur quotidie splendide, Past. 45; Swt. 337, 24. Mid ðý hí lange symbledon cum diutius epulis vacarent, Bd. 3, 10; S. 534, 30. Utan simblian epulemur, Wrt. Voc. ii. 143, 62. Symblendra swég sonus epulantis, Ps. Th. 41, 4. symblan