
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - ǣtrig

According to the Old English Dictionary:


adj. Poisonous, venomous :-- Eall hit bid ǣtrig (ǣttrig ) ꝥ him (the devil) of cymd, Hml. S. 17, 127. Ǣttrig virulentus, Hpt. Gl. 450, 10. Mid ǣttrigere clufþunge letali toxa, 427, 55. Gif hwā mid his fet ofstepd ǣttrig bān snacan odde nǣddran, Lch. i. 152, l. Ǣttrige venenata, Hpt. Gl. 450, 38. Ǣttrigera (-ia, MS.) virulentorum, 423, 41. Stīdran leáfum and eác ǣtrigum, Lch. i. 94, 9. Fram dām ǣttrigum synnum gehǣlede, Hml. Th. ii. 240, 10. Nǣdre wyle dā weg-farendan mid hire ǣttrigum tōdum slītan, Wlfst. 192, 23. ætrig

Related words: l.
