
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - un-blíðe

According to the Old English Dictionary:

adj. I. sad, sorrowful, grieved :-- Unblíðe tristis, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 19, 22: Beo. Th. 261; B. 130. Giómormód, unblíðe, 4529; B. 2268. Wæs hé swýðe unblíðe ... Ðá geseah Gúðlác ðone bróþor sárig, Guthl. 9; Gdwin. 50, 6. Beón in unblíðum móde moestus esse, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 26, 37. Ðám unblíðum (contabescunt">vel tristes) for ðæs blódes styringe">tristibus) sint tó cýðanne ða gefeán ðe him gehátene sindon ... Gehiéren ða unblíðan (tristes) ða leán ðæs gefeán ðe hié tó hopiaþ ... Monige beóð ðeáh blíðe and eác unblíðe (laeti vel tristes) for ðæs blódes styringe, Past. 27; Swt. 187, 16-24: 61; Swt. 455, 10. Hú blinde hí (the envious) beóð, ðonne hí beóð unróte for óðerra monna gódan weorcnm and for hira ryhtum gefeán beóð unblíðe quantae caecitatis sint qui alieno provectu deficiunt, aliena exultatione contabescunt, 34; Swt. 231, 17. Hý áswindaþ vel heó beóþ unblíþe contabescunt, i. exsiccant, Wrt. Voc. ii. 134, 74. Weorod eall árás, eodon unblíðe, weóllon teáras, Beo. Th. 6054; B. 3031: Cd. Th. 223, 29; Dan. 127. Gemynð hé ða ungelimp ðe hé hæfde on his wrecsíðe and ne byð þeáh ná ðe unbliðre (not less glad), Shrn. 204, 11. Ðonne hwylcum men gelimpeþ ðe his leóf fæder gefærþ, ne mæg ðæt ná beón ðæt ða bearn ðe unblíðran ne sýn it cannot be that the children are not the sadder, Blickl. Homl. 131, 25. II. unkind, shewing ill-will or displeasure, stern, angry :-- Gif égo ðín unblíðe sé si oculus tuus nequam fuerit, Mt. Kmbl. 6, 23. Ðá wearð unblíðe Abrahames cwén hire worcþeówe, wráð on móde, heard and hréðe, Cd. Th. 136, 16; Gen. 2259. Him unblíðe andswarode wulfheort cyning, 224, 10; Dan. 134. III. unquiet, not peaceful :-- Giðreáð ðe unblíðo corripite inquietos, Rtl. 11, 37. [O. H. Ger. un-blídi tristis.] un-bliðe