Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - un-dóm
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- un-dóm
- m. Unjust judgement :-- Wá ðam ðe rǽreþ unriht tó rihte and undóm démeþ earmum tó hýnðe vae qui condunt leges iniquas; et scribentes, injustitiam scripserunt; ut opprimerent in judicio pauperes (Is. 10, 1-2), Wulfst. 47, 26: 128, 10: 268, 1. Se ðe unlage rǽre oþþe undóm gedéme for lǽððe oþþe for feohfange, L. C. S. 15; Th. i. 384, 9. Hí geútlageden ealle Frencisce men ðe ǽr unlage rǽrdon and undóm démdon and unrǽd rǽddon, Chr. 1052; Erl. 186, 2. Wé cýðaþ déman and geréfan, ðæt hig ágan þearfe, ðæt hí unrihtes geswícan and náhwár þurh undóm for feó ne for freóndscipe forgýman heora wísdóm, Wulfst. 267, 28. Wearð ðes ðeódscipe swíðe forsingod þurh undómas, 130, 4. un-dom