Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - un-eáðness
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- un-eáðness
- f. I. uneasiness of mind, anxiety, trouble, grief, difficulty :-- Hé ealle ða word gehýrde, and ǽfre wæs his uneáðnys wexende, Homl. Skt. i. 23, 621. Ne biþ ðǽr sár ne gewinu, ne nǽnig unéþnes, ne sorg ne wóp, Blickl. Homl. 103, 35. Hé swýþe weóp and mid mycelre unéðnysse his eágospind mid teárum leohte. Ðá fréfrode hine Gúthlác and him cwæð tó: 'Ne beó ðú ná geunrótsod, forþon ne bið mé nǽnig unéðnysse ðæt ic tó Drihtne fare, Guthl. 20; Gdwin. 82, 2-8. Hí on wópe wǽron and hí on uneáðnysse sprǽcon, Homl. Skt. i. 23, 247. Ðú manigfeald yfel hæfdest and micle unéþnesse on ðam ríce, Bt. 27, 2; Fox 96, 13. Ealle angnysse and uneáðnysse, Lchdm. iii. 156, 13. Gif hit geberige ðæt hé ða unǽtnessa ábidan scel, Chart. Th. 509, 33. Hwæt wylt ðú tó méde gesyllan ðam ðe ðe fram ðissum unéðnyssum álýseþ? Shrn. 16, 29. Ðú canst míne yrmþa, ðú mé wǽre symble on fultume on mínum unýðnyssum, Guthl. 21; Gdwin. 94, 11. II. severity, harshness :-- Ða ðe ðǽr gefongne wǽron hié tawedan mid ðære mǽstan uniéðnesse; sume ofslógon, sume ofswungon, sume wið feó gesealdon, Ors. 4, 1; Swt. 154, 8. un-eaþness,un-eaðness