Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - un-fæst
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- un-fæst
- adj. Not firm, unstable, unsteady, weak :-- Hú ne is ðé nú genóh sweotole gesǽd ðæt seó wyrd ðé ne mæg náne gesǽlþa sellan, for ðam ðe ǽgþer is unfæst ge seó wyrd ge seó gesǽlþ manifestum eat, quod ad beatitudinem percipiendam fortunae instabilitas aspirare non possit, Bt. 11, 2; Fox 34, 21. Hwæt getácnaþ ðonne ðæt flǽsc búton unfæsð weorc and hnesce...? Oft ðeáh gebyreþ ðætte sume on monegum weorcum unfæste beóð ongietene quid per carnes nisi infirma quaedam ac tenera acta signantur? Et plerumque contigit, ut quidam in nonnullis suis actibus infirmi videantur, Past. 34; Swt. 235, 14-17. Ðonne ðæt mód bið on monig tódǽled, hit bið on ánes hwæm ðe unfæstre impar quisque invenitur ad singula, dum confusa mente dividitur ad multa, 4; Swt. 37, 15. [O. H. Ger. un-festi infirmus.] un-fæst