Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - un-fǽglíc
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- un-fǽglíc
- adj. Not indicating impending death :-- Ðæt is tácn ðínre hǽle; swá swá lǽca gewuna is, ðæt hé cweþaþ ðonne hió seócne mon gesióþ, gef hé hwelc unfǽglíc (ungefǽglíc, Cott. MS.) tácn (a symptom which does not indicate that a disease is mortal) him on geseóþ: mé þincþ nú ðæt ðín gecynd flíte swíþe swíþlíce wiþ ðæm dysige id, uti medici sperare solent, indicium est erectae jam resistentisque naturae, Bt. 36, 4; Fox 178, 27.