
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - un-forht

According to the Old English Dictionary:

adj. Not frightened, not afraid, fearless, intrepid :-- Ðæt geðyld stent unforht betweónan ðara leahtra truman patientia inter acies vitiorum intrepida stat, Gl. Prud. 17 b. Hwæt eart ðú, ðú ðe swá unforht ús tó eart cumen? Nicod. 28; Thw. 16, 33: Homl. Skt. i. 18, 262: Cd. Th. 199, 7; Exod. 335: Exon. Th. 278, 21; Jul. 601: Rood Kmbl. 218; Kr 110. Se Hǽlend unforht áxode, Homl. Th. ii. 246, 13: Exon. Th. 255, 5; Jul. 209. On wicge sæt ombeht unforht, Beo. Th. 579; B. 287. Him seó unforhte ágeaf andsware, Exon. Th. 251, 18; Jul. 147. Unforhte móde hé geneálǽhte ðære stówe, Blickl. Homl. 67, 1. Se man hýwaþ hine sylfne mihtine and unforhtne, Wulfst. 53, 15. Wígend unforhte, Cd. Th. 189, 6; Exod. 180: Byrht. Th. 134, 5; By. 79. Hí unforhte and blíþe underhnigon deáþ mortem laeti subiere, Bd. 4, 16; S. 584, 37. Ðæt hí ðý baldran and ðý unforhtran wǽron (ðæt heora compweorodes mód ðý unforhtre beón sceolde, col. 2) sperantes minus animos militum trepidare, 3, 18; S. 546, 24. un-forht