Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - un-fremu
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- un-fremu
- f. Hurt, loss, damage, detriment :-- Hú nyt bið ðæt, ðeáh ðú ðé ealne middaneard and ealle eorðan wille gestrýnan, gif ðú ðínre sáwle unfreme and forlorenesse gewyrcst? Anglia xi. 8, 29. Ðú blǽda náme on treówes telgum, and mé on teónan ǽte ða unfreme, Cd. Th. 55, 12; Gen. 893. [Ðe man noteð wel his ȝiepshipe, þe birgeð him seluen wið his aȝene soule unfreme, and erneð after his soule freme, O. E. Homl. ii. 195, 9.] un-fremu