
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - un-gerád

According to the Old English Dictionary:

adj. I. stupid, rude, unskilled, foolish, ignorant :-- Walah sive ungerád barbarus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 12, 75. Gif se sacerd bið ungerád ðæs láreówdómes sacerdos si praedicationis est nescius, Past. 15; Swt. 91, 24. Sum ungerád mann ... nolde gán tó ðám axum on ðone Wódnes-dæg, Homl. Skt. i. 12, 41. Dysig bið se wegférenda man, se ðe nimð ðone sméðan weg, ðe hine mislǽt ... Swá eác wé beóð ungeráde, gif wé lufiaþ ða hwílwendlícan lustas, Homl. Th. i. 164, 10. Ða dwollícan béc rǽdaþ ungeráde menn, ii. 444, 25. Ðeáh ða dysegan and ða ungerádan his gelýfan nyllan, Wulfst. 305, 14. Se ðe ungerádum oððe ungeðyldigum stýrð, Homl. Th. i. 306, 5. II. discordant, disagreeing, at variance :-- Ungeráde dissona (sermonum procacitate, Ald. 59), Wrt. Voc. ii. 85, 20: 26, 69. Næles ungeráde non dissona (sententia, Ald. 65), 86, 12: 60, 69. Dissona .i. discordantia, incongrua, ungeswéga vel ungeráde, 141, 37. Simle bióþ ða gódan and ða yflan ungeþwǽre betwyh him, ge eác hwílum ða yfian bióþ ungeráde betwuh him selfum ut probis atque improbis nullum foedus est, ita ipsi inter se improbi nequeunt convenire, Bt. 39, 12; Fox 230, 27: Ors. 2, 7; Swt. 90, 6. Ða látteówas wǽron Agustuse ungeráde, 6, 1; Swt. 254, 18. Ðonne se abbod and se práfost ungeráde beóð and him betwyx sacaþ dum contraria sibi invicem abbas prepositusque sentiunt, R. Ben. 124. Ic sceal nú mid ungerádum wordum gesettan, þeáh ic geóhwílum gecoplíce funde carmina qui quondam studio florente peregi, moestos cogor inire modos, Bt. 2; Fox 4, 7. un-gerad