
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - un-gerýde

According to the Old English Dictionary:

adj. Rough, violent :-- Se egeslíca swég ungerýdre sǽs, Wulfst. 137, 7. [Unirude duntes wið mealles istelet, O. E. Homl. i. 253, 12. Cf. An unrude raketehe, 249, 24. Unnseollþe unnride inoh forr to dreȝhenn, Orm. 4784. Oferrcumenn wiþþ nan unnride strenncþe, 12527. Ðis fis (rimes with wide)">the whale) ðat is unride (rimes with wide), Misc. 16, 505: 20, 631: (rimes with side), 646. A kowel ful unride (rimes with shride = scrýdan), Havel. 964. Þe unrideste wunde þat men may see, 1985. Þen rewis þe king of unride (-rode) werkis, Alex. (Sk.) 871. Þou has ragid with unryd gestis, 460. See also Halliwell's Dict. unride.]

Related words: following words. un-geryde
