Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - un-gesceádwísness
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- un-gesceádwísness
- f. Unreasonableness, foolishness :-- Hwæt segst ðú ðæt sié forcúþre ðonne sió ungesceádwísnes? hwí geþafiaþ hí ðæt hí bióð dysige? hwí nyllaþ hí spyrigan æfter cræftum and æfter wísdóme? quid enervatius ignorantiae caecitate? an sectanda noverunt? Bt. 36, 6; Fox 180, 31, 35. Hé lǽt his mód tóflówan on ðæet ofdele giémeliéste and ungesceádwísnesse æfter eallum his willum anima neglectam se inferius per desideria expandit, Past. 39; Swt. 283, 15. un-gesceadwisness