Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - un-gesǽlþ
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- un-gesǽlþ
- f. I. unhappiness, illfortune, calamity :-- Ealle ðás ungesǽlða ús gelumpon þurh unrǽdes, Chr. 1011; Erl. 145, 1. Biþ simle ða eówre gesǽlþa on sumum þingum ungesǽlþa (unsǽlþa, Cott. MS.), Bt. 29, 1; Fox 102, 20. Sume secgaþ ðæt sió wyrd wealde ǽgðer ge gesǽlþa ge ungesǽlþa ǽlces monnes, 39, 8; Fox 224, 13. Ne meaht ðú nó mid sóþe getǽlan ðíne wyrd for ðám leásum ungesǽlþum (unsǽlþum, Cott. MS.) ðe ðú þrowast, 10; Fox 28, 2. Eall his líf tó ungesǽlðum and tó ermðum wearð, Homl. Ass. 161, 226. Áfyr fram ðé ða unnettan ungesǽlþa and ðone yflan ege ðisse worulde, Bt. 6; Fox 14, 33. II. unhappiness which consists in absence of moral good :-- Ða yfelan habbaþ ðrió ungesǽlþa (unsǽlþa, Cott. MS.); án is ðæt hí yfel willaþ, óþer ðæt ðæt hí magon, þridde ðæt hí hit þurhtióþ triplici infortunio necesse est urgeantur, quos videas scelus velle, posse, perficere, Bt. 38, 2; Fox 196, 33. Nán man ne dear for árwyrðnesse ðæs ánsetlan leahtras tǽlan; him synt eác ða ungesélþa leófran, ðæt hé hý nyte, ðænne hé hí lácnige, R. Ben. 135, 18. [Þurh him (Adam) deð com in þis middenerd and oðer uniselðe, O. E. Homl. i. 171, 197. For heora uniselðe (wickedness), Laym. 2545.]