
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - un-gestæððiglíce

According to the Old English Dictionary:

ad :-- Ðonne mon ða fæstrǽdnesse his módes innan forlíst, ðonne bið hé hwílum swíðe ungestæððiglíce ástyred útane on his limum qui statum mentis perdidit, subsequenter foras in inconstantiam motionis fluit, Past. 47; Swt. 359, 7. Hié beóð suá micle ungestæððelícor tóflówene on hiera móde suá hié wénaþ ðæt hié stilran and orsorgran beón mægen quae tanto latius diffluunt, quanto se esse securius aestimant, 38; Swt. 271, 17. un-gestæððiglice

Related words: Unsteadily, without stability
