
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - un-gewuna

According to the Old English Dictionary:


m. A bad custom, evil practice :-- Se eorðlíca geférscipe hiene tiéhð on ða lufe his ealdan ungewunan ad vetustatem vitae per societatem secularium ducitur, Past. 22; Swt. 169, 9. Ða ðe ðone ungewunan hæfdon, ðæt hí heora wíf glengdan swá hí weofoda sceoldan, geswícan ðæs ungewunan, L. I. P. 23; Th. ii. 336, 20. Se bið siweníge ðonne his mód and his andgit ðæt gecynd áscirpð and hé hit ðonne self gescint mid his ungewunan and wóm wilnungum lippus est, cujus sensum natura exacuit, sed conversationis pravitas confundit, Past. 11; Swt. 69, 9. Æt ðam unþeáwe ðe dysige men on ungewunan healdaþ (which foolish men observe as a custom, and a bad one it is), Wulfst. 305, 9. un-gewuna