Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - un-rótness
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- un-rótness
- f. Sadness, sorrow, trouble, gloominess :-- Unrótnys tristitia, Wrt. Voc. i. 83, 42. Ðætte sió unrótnes, ðe hé for ðæm yflan weorcum hæbbe, gemetgige ðone gefeán ðe hé for ðǽm gódan weorcum hæfde, Past. proem.; Swt. 24, 3. Unrótnyss (tristitia) gefylde eówre heortan, Jn. Skt. 16, 6. Eówer unrótnys (-ródtnis, Lind.) byð gewend tó gefeán, 16, 20. Nis ðǽr ǽnig sár geméted, ne ádl, ne ece, ne nǽnig unrótnes, Blickl. Homl. 25, 31. Ic hit wiste be sumum dǽle, ac mé hæfde ðiós unrótnes ámerredne, ðæt ic hit hæfde mid ealle forgiten; and ðæt is eác mínre unrótnysse se mǽsta dǽl, ðæt ... eaque mihi etsi ob injuriae dolorem nuper oblita, non tamen ante hac prorsus ignorata dixisti; sed ea ipsa est vel maxima nostri caussa moeroris; quod..., Bt. 36, 1; Fox 172, 2-4. Se fífta leahtor is tristitia, ðæt is ðissere worulde unrótnyss; ðæt is ðonne se man geunrótsaþ ealles tó swýðe for his ǽhta lyre ... Twá unrótnyssa synd; án is ðeós yfele, and óðor is hálwende, ðæt is ðæt se man for his synnum geunrótsige, Homl. Skt. i. 16, 289: Homl. Th. ii. 220, 16: Wulfst. 68, 15. Ðé is frófre máre ðearf ðonne unrótnesse medicinae tempus est, non querelae, Bt. 3, 3; Fox 6, 15. Hí weorþaþ gerǽfte mid ðære unrótnesse and swá gehæfte moeror captos fatigat, Bt. 37, 1; Fox 186, 21: Met. 25, 48. Gefeá búton unrótnesse, Blickl. Homl. 65, 18: 85, 33. On wópe and on unrótnesse and on sáre his líchoma sceal hér wunian, 61, 1: 3, 9. Hé hig funde slǽpende for unrótnesse (prae tristitiam), Lk. Skt. 22, 45. Se heora unrótnesse ealle gewríðeþ qui alligat contritiones eorum, Ps. Th. 146, 3. Hé hiene on unrótnesse oððe on ormódnesse gebringð, Past. 21; Swt. 166, 12. Of ðæs magan ádle cumaþ ... micla murnunga and unrótnessa bútan þearfe, Lchdm. ii. 174, 26. Mid manegum unrótnessum Dauid wæs ofðrycced under Sawle, Ps. Th. 38, arg. Ðǽm oferblíðum is tó cýðanne ða unrótnessa (tristia) ðe ðǽræfter cumaþ, and ðám unblíðum sint tó cýðanne ða gefeán (laeta) ðe him gehátene sindon,Past. 27; Swt. 187, 15. un-rotness