Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - un-sib[b]
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- un-sib[b]
- f. I. unfriendliness, unkindliness, enmity :-- Unsib simultas, Wrt. Voc. ii. 120, 62. Swá mycel ungeþwǽrnys and unsibb árás ingravescentibus causis dissensionum, Bd. 3, 14; S. 539, 35. Ðæt ðridde is unsibbe fýr, ðonne wé ne forhtigaþ ðæt wé ða mód ábylgean úra ðæra nýhstena tertium dissensionis, cum animos proximorum offendere non formidamus, 3, 19; S. 548, 17: Anglia xi. 101, 37. Unsibbe simultate, Wrt. Voc. ii. 87, 11. Unsibbe simultatem, 83, 38. God ús lǽrð sibbe and wynsumnesse, and deófol ús lǽrð unsibbe and wróhte, Homl. Ass. 168, 112: Cd. Th. 281, 13; Sat. 271. Ic andette mínes módes morðor and unsibbe and ofermódignesse, L. de Cf. 8; Th. ii. 262, 32. Oferfyll ne murneþ ne for fæder ne for méder, ne for nánum gesibban men. Ealle unsibba hit wyrcð, Wulfst. 242, 8. II. strife, hostilities, war :-- Gif hié gemunan willaþ hiora ieldrena wólgewinna and hiora monigfealdan unsibbe recolant majorum suorum tempora, bellis inquietissima, Ors. 2, 1; Swt. 64, 15. Hié ðæt heóldun mid micelre unsibbe, and tú folcgefeoht gefuhton, and ðæt lond oft forhergodon, and ǽghwæþer óþerne oftrædlíce út drǽfde, Chr. 887; Erl. 86, 10. Ðæt hí wǽron unsibbe and gefeoht fram heora feóndum onfónde quia bellum ab hostibus forent accepturi, Bd. 2, 2; S. 503, 30. His ii suna ymb ðæt ríce wunnon, and ða unsibbe mid gefeohte dreógende wǽron, Ors. 2, 7; Swt. 90, 17. Æfter hú monegum wintrum sió sibb gewurde ðæs ðe hié ǽ[re]st unsibbe wið monegum folcum hæfdon, Ors. 4, 7; Swt. 182, 18. III. division, variance, disagreement, disunion :-- Unsib (dissensio) áuorden wæs in ðær menigo fore hine, Jn. Skt. Lind. 7, 43. Unsib seditio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 120, 30. Forlǽtaþ ða úterran sibbe, and habbaþ ða innerran fæste, ðætte eówer unsibb geeáðméde ðæs synnigan mód (ut peccantis mentem vestra discordia feriat), Past. 46; Swt. 357, 9. Ðá sóhte Colemannus ðysse unsibbe (dissensioni) lǽcedóm, Bd. 4, 4; S. 571, 6. Hé hiera sundorsprǽce tó unsibbe bróhton their colloquy led to no agreement; infecto pacis negotio, Ors. 4, 10; Swt. 202, 13. [Betere his sahte þane onsibbe, Laym. 9845, 2nd MS. Goth. un-sibja iniquitas: O. H. Ger. un-sippe seditio.] un-sibb