Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - un-stillness
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- un-stillness
- f. I. absence of rest, motion :-- Unstilnis agitatio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 99, 55. II. disturbance, noisiness, clamour :-- Gif hé ðurhwunaþ cnucigeode, ðonne áríst se hírédes ealdor for ðæs óðres onhrópe, and him getíðaþ ðæs ðe hé bitt, ná for freóndrǽdene, ac for his unstilnysse, Homl. Th. i. 248, 33. Lǽrð ús se deófol unstilnesse and ungemetlíce hleahtras, and unnytte sprǽce, Wulfst. 233, 18. III. tumult, bustle, commotion :-- Hé ne mihte ða unstillnesse ðara onfeallendra menigeo áberan tumultus inruentium turbarum non ferret, Bd. 3, 19; S. 549, 32. IV. disturbance, breach of peace :-- On ðæs wífes gebǽrum oufundon ðæs cyninges þegnas ða unstilnesse (the king had been attacked and killed), Chr. 755; Erl. 50, 3. Læcedemonie hæfdon máran unstillnessa ðonne hié mægenes hæfdon Lacedaemonii, inquieti magis quam strenui, Ors. 3, 1; Swt. 98, 34. V. restlessness, unruliness :-- Hé geteah ðæt hig niorwedon mid fæstenum and mid gebedum hiora líchaman unstilnesse, Shrn. 37, 3. VI. disquietude, disturbance of mind, trouble :-- Se ðe his bróðor hataþ, hé hæfð unstilnesse and swýðe drófi mód, Basil admn. 4; Norm. 44, 16. un-stillness