
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - un-þeáw

According to the Old English Dictionary:


m. A bad habit, an evil practice, a vice, fault :-- Médsceattas áwendaþ wólíce tó oft ða rihtan dómas, and seó yfelnyss becymð ofer eallum force ðǽr ðǽr se unþeáw orsorhlíce ríxaþ, Ælfc. T. Grn. 20, 34. Ðæt is ðara monna unþeáw ðæt hí nyton hwæt hí send sese ignorare hominibus vitio venit, Bt. 14, 3; Fox 46, 8. Nán hæfignes ðæs líchoman, ne nán unþeáw ne mæg eallunga áteón of his móde ða rihtwísnesse ... ðeáh sió swǽrnes ðæs líchoman and ða unþeáwas oft ábisegien ðæt mód mid ofergiotulnesse, 35, 1; Fox 154, 29. Má dereþ monna gehwylcum módes unþeáw ðonne mettrymnes lǽnes líchoman, Met. 26, 112. Suá ðú meaht ǽlcne unðeáw on ðæm menn ǽresð be sumum tácnum ongietan ... Siððan bið sió duru ðære unrihtwísnesse ontýned uniuscujusque peccati prius signa forinsecus, deinde janua apertae iniquitatis ostenditur, Past. 21; Swt. 157, 19. Mon sceal ðone unþeáw of mynstre áwyrtwalian, ðæt nǽnig ne gedyrstlǽce ǽnig ðing tó syllenne bútan ðæs abbodes hǽse hoc vitium amputandum est de monasterio, ne quis presumat aliquid dare sine jussione abbatis, R. Ben. 56, 16. Hwæt is sáwla hǽlo búte rihtwísnes? oððe hwæt is heora untrymnes búte unþeáwas? quid aliud animorum salus videtur esse, quam probitas? quid aegritudo, quam vitia? Bt. 39, 9; Fox 226, 19. Ne sié hé tó ungerisenlíce underþeód his unþeáwum nec victa libidine colla foedus summittat habenis, 29, 3; Fox 106, 19: Met. 16, 4. Hé wæs swíþe gefylled mid unþeáwum and firenlustum homo flagitiosissimus, Ors. 6, 3; Swt. 256, 23: Ps. Th. 7, 13. Wé sceolon faran fram unðeáwum tó gódum ðeáwum, gif wé willaþ faran tó ðam écan lífe, Homl. Th. ii. 282, 23. On unðeáwum in abusione, Ps. Spl. 30, 22. Lufie mon ðone man, and hatige his unþeáwas, Bt. 39, 1; Fox 212, 8: Met. 27, 32: Bt. 29, 3; Fox 106, 27: Met. 16, 24. Ýdel bið seó lár ðe ne gehǽlð ðære sáwle leahtras and unðeáwas, Homl. Th. i. 60, 35. Ðá wolde hé forbúgan ða unþeáwas ðe menn begáð, ii. 38, 4: 154, 12: Chr. 1067; Erl. 204, 31. Ðý læs hié forlǽten untǽlde óðerra monna yfele unðeáwas (yfle ðeáwas, Cott. MSS.) ne pravos hominum mores nequaquam redarguant, Past. 46; Swt. 351, 21. Gé ða Engliscan þeáwas forlǽtaþ ðe eówre fæderas heóldon, and hǽðenra manna þeáwas lufiaþ, and mid ðam geswuteliaþ ðæt gé forseóð eówer cynn and eówere yldran mid ðám unþeáwum, ðonne gé him on teónan tysliaþ eów on Denisc ábleredum hneccan and áblendum eágum, Engl. Stud. viii. 62, 4. [Þat unþeáw ... þat ilke unhende flesches brune, H. M. 9, 27. Sparuwe cheatereð euer and chirmeð ... Moni ancre haneð þet ilke unþeau, A. R. 152, 23. He þaht hit weren for unðeawe, ꝥ he hire weore swa unwourð, Laym. 3064. To hatenn all þatt Godd iss lef and lufenn alle unnþæwess, Orm. 17782. Him is loþ everich unþeu, O. and N. 194.] un-þeaw