
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - un-wéned

According to the Old English Dictionary:

adj. Unhoped for, unexpected :-- Ic him eft his ríce ágeaf, and ðá ðære unwéndan áre ðæs ríces (ðe hé him seolfa nǽniges ríces ne wénde) ðæt hé ðá mé eall his goldhord æteówde regna Poro restitui, qui, ut ei insperatus honor donatus est, mihi thesauros suos manifestavit, Nar. 19, 23. On unwénedum forþsíþe hé beóð gegripene inprouiso exitu rapiuntur, Scint. 181, 12.

Related words: un-gewéned. un-wened
