
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - un-weorþ

According to the Old English Dictionary:

-wurþ, -wyrþ, -wierþe, -wyrþe;

adj. I. of no value :-- Mid deórwyrþum reáfum ne beóþ hý gescrýdde, ac mid unweorþum, R. Ben. 137, 9. Ðæt heora heortan mid wácum mettum and unweorþum ne sýn ofersýmede, 138, 11. II. of no dignity, little esteemed :-- Gif munuc eáðhylde bið, þeáh hine man wácne and unweorðne talige si omni vilitate contentus sit monachus, R. Ben. 29, 3, 6. Gif munuc hine sylfne ýttran and unweorðran talaþ ðonne ǽnigne óþerne si omnibus se inferiorem et viliorem credat, 29, 11. Æt ðæm feórðan cirre hié sendon Hannan heora ðone unweorðestan þegn, and hé hit ábæd novissime Annonis, minimi hominis inter legatos, oratione meruerunt, Ors. 4, 7; Swt. 182, 13. Nime gé ða ðe unweorþuste sién them who are least esteemed (1 Cor. 6, 4), Past. 18; Swt. 131, 7. III. unworthy, not of sufficient merit :-- Ic ðone hád underhnág, ðeáh ðe ic unwyrþe wǽre quamvis indignus consensi, Bd, 4, 2; S. 566, 8. Nemne God mé earmum and unwyrþum (misero mihi et indigno) gemildsian wylle, 3, 13; S. 538, 35. Sum ungesceádwís man hine sylfne áhéng ... Martinus hine unwurðne of deáðe árǽrde, Homl. Th. ii. 506, 1. III a. with gen. of that of which one is unworthy :-- Ðý læs ǽnig láreówdóm underfón durre ðara ðe his unwierðe sié ne temerare sacra regimina, quisquis his impar, audeat, Past. 3; Swt. 33, 8. Ic am unwyrðe micles hérnisse ego sum indignus tanti officii, Rtl. 98, 16. Mánsceaða, feores unwyrðe, Exon. Th. 95, 27; Cri. 1563, Saul ǽresð fleáh ðæt ríce and tealde hine selfne his suíðe unwierðne (indignum se prius considerans), Past. 3; Swt. 35, 18. Ðú hine ongeáte unweorþne ðæs anwealdes, Bt. 27, 2; Fox 96, 18. Hié woldon selfe fleón ða byrðenne suá micelre scylde, ða ðe his unwierðe wǽron indigni quique tanti reatus pondera fugerent, Past. 2; Swt. 31, 15. Hié woldon habban gódne hlísan, þeáh hí his unwyrþe sién, Bt. 18, 1; Fox 60, 26. Gif anweald becymþ tó ðam men ðe his ealra unweorþost biþ, 16, 1; Fox 48, 34. IV. worthless, bad, contemptible, despicable, ignoble :-- Hwæþer ðé þynce unweorþ and unmǽrlíc seó gegaderung? obscurum hoc atque ignobile censes esse? Bt. 33, 1; Fox 120, 29. Ðú wilt habban ealle fægere ðing and ácorene, and wilt ðé sylf beón wáclíc and unwurð, Homl. Th. ii. 410, 20. Unwurð scop tragicus vel comicus, Wrt. Voc. i. 60, 9. Unweorþe scopas tragedi vel comedi, 39, 39. Hí syndon ǽwisce on líchoman and unweorðe sunt publicato corpore et inhonesto, Nar. 38, 13. Sume habbaþ bearn genóge, ac ða beóþ yfele and unweorþ alius prole laetatus, filii filiaeve delictis moestus illacrymat, Bt. 11, 1; Fox 32, 9. Geþenc nú hwæþer ǽnig mon beó á ðý unweorþra ðe hine manige men forsióþ. Gif ðonne ǽnig mon á ðý unweorþra biþ, ðonne biþ ǽlc dysi man ðe unweorþra ðe hé máre ríce hæfþ ǽlcum. wísum men ... Se anweald ne mæg his wealdend gedón nó ðý weorþron, ac hé hine gedéþ ðý unweorþran (wyrsan, Bod. MS.) si eo abjectior est, quo magis a pluribus quisque contemnitur,... despectiores potius improbos dignitas facit, 27, 2; Fox 98, 8-14. Se eallra wyrresta and se eallra unweorþesta mon pessimus, 14, 3; Fox 46, 21. IV a. with dat. of person by whom one is considered worthless :-- Xersis wearþ his ágenre þeóde swíþe unweorþ Xerxes contemtibilis suis factus, Ors. 2, 5; Swt. 84, 23. Ǽlcum witum láþ and unweorþ omnibus invisus, Bt. 28; Fox l00, 28: Met. 15, 6. Se ídela gylp ús beó ǽfre unwurð (-wyrð, MS. U.), Hornl. Skt. i. 16, 367. Philippus him dyde heora wíg unweorð Philip made light of their fighting power, Ors. 3, 7; Swt. 118, 3. Bisceopun gebyreþ, ðæt hí ǽghwylc gefleard heom unwyrð lǽtan, L. I. P. 10; Th. ii. 316, 28. Romulus and ealle Rómware óþerum folcum unweorðe wǽron, Ors. 2, 2; Swt: 66, 16. V. ignominious, dishonouring :-- Mid ealre ðare unwurð[r]este scame beó hé gescænt ignominiosissima confusione subsannetur, Chart. Th. 318, 34. [Unwurð of no value, A. R. 94, 4. Uvel strengþe is lutel wurþ, Ac wisdom ne wurþ never unwurþ, O. and N. 770. Crist wass unnwurrþ (little esteemed), Orm. 16163. He bið unwurþ, þe mon þe litul ah, Laym. 3464. Þu maht to þi were iwurðen þe unwurðere, H. M. 33, 12. Yhealde for uyl and onworþ, Ayenb. 132, 24. O. H. Ger. un-werd ignobilis, contemtibilis, obscurus, dejectus: Icel. ú-verðr unworthy.] un-weorþ