Under-bæc. ib
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - under-bæc. ib
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- under-bæc. Ib
- add: -- Ðás seofon tunglan gáð ǽfre eástweard ongeán þá heofenan, ac seó heofon is strengra and ábrét hí ealle under-bæc westward mid hire ryne, Angl. vii. 14, 137. II. add: -- Hit is áwriten ðæt him wǽre betere ðæt hí nó sóðfæstnesse weg ne ongeáten, ðonne hí underbæc gecerden siððan hí hine ongeáten, Past. 445, 33. under-bæc ib