
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - wæl-hreów

According to the Old English Dictionary:

-hreáw, -reów, -rǽw;

adj. Cruel, barbarous, bloodthirsty :-- Wælhreów crudelis, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 28; Zup. 54, 12: atrox, 9, 66; Zup. 72, 1: trux, 9, 67; Zup. 72, 9. Wælhreówe crudeli, Wrt. Voc. ii. 23, 22. Ða wælhreówan funestam, 38, 20. (1) of living beings :-- Wælhreów werod. Cd. Th. 219, 11; Dan. 53. Hé (nero) wælhriów wunode, Met. 9, 38. Hé wæs wælhreáw cwellere cristenra manna, Homl. Th. ii. 308, 4. Welhrióu crudelis, Kent. Gl. 367. Irtacus wælreów cyning, Apstls. Kmbl. 137; Ap. 69. Wælreów wiga a warrior who would not spare his foe. Beo. Th. 1262; B. 629. Hé wunaþ wælrǽw deófol, Homl. Th. i. 192, 21. Se wæ. hreówa Antecrist, 6, 16. Se wælhreówa cyning, Ðeódríc, Bt. 1; Fox 2, 24. Wælhreówes (Nero's) gewéd, Met. 9, 5. Ne lǽt ðú on ðæs wælhreówan hond (crudeli) ðín geár, Past. 36; Swt. 249, 11: Homl. Th. i. 80, 31. Ne mæg ic mínne feónd lufian, ðone ðe ic wælhreówne tógeánes mé geseó, 54, 31. Ðone wælhreówan feónd ðisse menniscan gecynd[e]. Blickl. Homl. 31, 31. Ðé wælreówe wítum belecgaþ, Andr. Kmbl. 2423; An. 1213: Exon. Th. 380, 10; Rä. 1, 6. Ða wælhreówan wyþersacan Annas and Caiphas, Nicod. 7; Thw. 3, 32. Earn beheóld wælhreówra wíg, Elen. Kmbl. 223; El. 112. Wælreówra (-e, MS.) carnificum, Hpt. Gl. 483, 60. Ða áne ætwundon ðínum wælhreáwum handum, Homl. Th. ii. 308, 25. Hwæt is wælhreówre betwux næddercynne ðonne draca? i. 486, 31. Ðú wælhreówasta wímman, Homl. Skt. i. 7, 182. (2) of things :-- Ðæt wíf gelýfde his wælhreówum geðeahte, Homl. Th. ii. 30, 15. Mid wealhreówre l deóflícre mihte tyrannica potestate, Hpt. Gl. 434, 3. Mid wealreówre grimnysse crudescente atrocitate, 515, 23. On þysum wælhreówan cwearterne, Nicod. 26; Thw. 15, 1. Forgripen mid wælhreówe (crudeli) deáþe, Bd. 5, 19; S. 638, 24. Tó þrowienne wælhreówne deáð, Homl. Skt. i. 4, 117. Mid wælhreówum dǽdum, 11, 354. Geþeówode þurh wælhreówe unlaga, Wulfst. 158, 14. [Þa welreowen (those who seized Christ), O.E. Homl. i. 229, 25.]

Related words: wælgrim. wæl-hreow
