Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - wǽðan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- wǽðan
- p. de To hunt :-- Ic wiht (a rake) geseah . . . seó ðæt feoh fédeþ, hafaþ fela tóþa . . . wǽþeþ geond weallas, wyrte séceþ aa. Exon. Th. 416, 27 ; Rä. 35, 5. Winde gelícost, ðonne hé hlúd ástígeþ, wǽðeþ be wolcnum, Elen. Kmbl. 2545; El. 1274. Brim wíde wǽðde, wælfæðmum sweóp, Cd. Th. 208, 8; Exod. 480. Hwæþer gé willen wǽþan mid hundum on sealtne sǽ (cf. hwæþer gé eówer hundas út on sǽ lǽdon, ðonne gé huntian willaþ, Bt. 32, 3; Fox 118, 14), Met. 19, 15. [O. H. Ger. weidón venari, errare, pascere; Icel. veiða to hunt.]