Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - wend
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- wend
- a course, an alternative, a case:--Ðonne gerecce hé, gif hé mæge, óþer twéga, oððe ðara spella sum leás oððe ungelíc ðære sprǽce ðe wit æfter spyriaþ; oððe þridde wend (a third course or alternative) ongite and geléfe ðæt wit on riht spirien, Bt. 38, 2; Fox 198, 26. Gif hit gebirie ðæt Alhmund swá ða freóndréddene healdan nolde, oððe hine mon oferricte ðæt hé ne móste londes wyrðe beón, oððe þridda wend, gif him ǽr his ende gesǽlde, Chart. Th. 141, 13. [Cf. A pryve went a secret passage, Chauc. T. and C. ii. 738. O. Frs. wend a case.]