Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - willan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- willan
- prs. ic, hē wille, wile, dū wilt, pl. wē willaþ ; p. wolde, walde ; part. prs. willende To will, wish :-- Volo ic wylle, uis dū wylt, uult hē wyle, uolumus wē wyllaþ . . . ufinam nellem eálā gyf ic wolde; utinam uelim eálá gyf ic wylle gyt. . . uelle wyllan, Ælfc. Gr. 32 ; Zup. 199, 14-200, 6. I. to will, exercise the faculty of willing :-- Ic undergyte dæt ic wylle undergytan and gemunan, and ic wylle dæt ic undergyte and gemune; dǣr dǣr dæt gemynd bid, dǣr bid dæt andgyt and se wylla, Homl. Skt. i. I, 120. Þurh done willan seó sāwul wile swā hwæt swā hire līcaþ, Homl. Th. i. 288, 29. Ǽlc mon hæfþ done frióddm, dæt hē wāt hwæt hē wile, hwæt hē nele ipsis inest volendi, nolendique libertas, Bt. 40, 7; Fox 242, 20. II. where the will of the subject deter-mines his own action, to will, purpose, think, mean, intend, (a) with an infinitive :-- Ic wille mid flōde folc ācwellan, Cd. Th. 78, 20 ; Gen. 1296. Ic reste on dē āgan wylle, 254, 16; Dan. 612. Ic dēc for sunu wylle freógan, Beo. Th. 1899; B. 947. Hwyder wilt dū gangan? Ic wille gangan tō Rōme, Blickl. Homl. 191, 16. Ne wille ic leng his geongra wurþan, Cd. Th. 19, 15 ; Gen. 291. Hē wile eft gesettan heofona rīce, 25, 20; Gen. 396 : 176, 30 ; Gen. 2919. Wē hine willaþ ācwellan and ūs tō mete dōn, Blickl. Homl. 231, 14. Hū geweard dé dæs, dæt dū sǣbeorgas sēcan woldes mādmum bedǣled? Andr. Kmbl. 616; An. 308. Wolde hē hiene selfne on dæm gefeohte forspillan mori in bello paratus, Ors. 3, 9 ; Swt. 128, 6: Cd. Th. 176, 2 ; Gen. 2905. Ne wellaþ (willaþ, Wrt. Voc. ii. 71, 64) cweþan ne velitis dicere, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 3, 9. Hwī forcwid hē . . . būton hē cuedan wielle (wille, Cott. MSS.), dæt hē ne lufige done Hlāford, Past. 5 ; Swt. 43, 7. Hwæþre him Alwalda wille wyrpe gefremman, Beo. Th. 2633; B. 1314. Ðæt dū for sunu wolde hererinc habban, 2355; B. 1175. Ðū him dæt gehēte, dæt dū hyra frumcyn īcan wolde, Cd. Th. 236, 8; Dan. 318. (b) with an accusa-tive :-- God symble wyle gōd, and nǣfre nān yfel, Homl. Skt. i. l, 48. j From dære tungan de teosu wylle a lingua dolosa, Ps. Th. 119, 2. Ðæt heó hi frūne hwæt hī sōhton, oþþe hwæt hī dǣr woldon, Bd. 3, 8; S. 531, 39. (c) with a clause :-- Wēndun gē and woldun, dæt gē Scyppende sceoldan gelīce wesan, Exon. Th. 141, 30; Gū. 636. Wēndon and woldon, dæt hié on elþeódigum ǣt geworhton, Andr. Kmbl. 2145; An. 1074. (d) absolute, (I) of purpose to go :-- Nū wille ic dam līge neár, Cd. Th. 47, 14; Gen. 760. Ðā hē him from wolde, Past. 3; Swt. 35, 19. Gif hē eów āxie hwæder gē willon (quo vadis?), Gen. 32, 17. Ðā hī tō scipan woldon, Chr. 1009 ; Erl. 142, 28. Ð ā salde se here āþas dæt hié of his rīce uuoldon, 878 ; Erl. 80, 17. Ðā woldan hié on ēcnesse hǣle and trume wid deófla nīþum, and wundorlīce deáþ geþrowodan, Blickl. Homl. 171, 30. Mid dæm de hī hié getrymed hæfdon, and tōgædere woldon, Ors. 4, 2 ; Swt. 160, 28. (2) of purpose to do :-- Hē cȳdde his syrewunge, hū hē ymbe wolde (how he had intended to act), Homl. Th. i. 82, 18. (3) of things, to tend :-- Hwæder dū nū ongite hwider diós sprǣce wille ? Ðā cwæþ ic : Sege mē hwider hió wille jamne igitur vides, quid haec omnia, quae diximus, consequatur ? quidnam ? inquam, Bt. 40, l; Fox 234, 32. III. where the will of the subject determines the action of another, to will, ordain, order, command, (a) with an accusative :-- Se ealdorman gewāt dā dā hit wolde God, Homl. Skt. i. 20, 13. Ðā dā hē wolde dæt dæt hē wolde. Met. II, 15. Hwæþer wē ǣnigne frȳdōm habban, de sió godcunde foretiohhung oþþe sió wyrd ūs nēde tō dam de hī willen, Bt. 40, 7; Fox 242, 16. (b) with a clause :-- Ic wylle (uillo. Lind. : willo, Rush.) dæt hē wunige dus, Jn. Skt. 21, 22. Wyltū (wylt dū, ) wē secgaþ dæt fȳr cume of heofene, Lk. Skt. 9, 54. Hē wolde dæt da cnihtas cræft leornedon, Cd. Th. 221, 4; Dan. 83. He wolde ðæt him eorde geseted wurde, 6, 35 ; Gen. 99: Met. II, 16. (c) absolute :-- Hē cunnian wolde his Drihtnes wyllan, hūl hē wolde be him (what he would have him do . . . Cwæd se Hǣlend, dæt hē sceolde underfōn mǣden, Homl. Skt. i. 4, 7-13. IV. to will, wish, want, desire, (a) with infinitive :-- Ic wielle heora cȳpan hēr luflīcor donne ic gebicge dǣr, Wülck. Gl. 97, 2. Wilt dū, gif dū mōst, wesan aldordēma? Cd. Th. 149, 26; Gen. 2480. Ðé wile beorna sum him geágnian, 109, 26; Gen. 1828. Se de wyle sōd sprecan, Beo. Th. 5721; B. 2864. Ðē sǣlīdend secgan willaþ, dæt wē fundiaþ Higelāc sēcan, 3641; B. 1818. Wē willaþ beón bylewite volumus esse simplices, Coll. Monast. Th. 33, 7. Ic dīne bebodu wolde gegān concupivi man-data tua, Ps. Th. 118, 40. Swā fela swā bē habban wolde, Chr. 877; Erl. 78, 24. On hwilce healfe dū wille hwyrff dōn, Cd. Th. 115, 12; Gen. 1918 : 139, 20 ; Gen. 2312. Gesecgan mid hū micle elne ǣghwylc wille synrust þweán, Exon. Th. 81, 4; Cri. 1318. Se biscop de wile onfón Godes mildheortnesse, Blickl. Homl. 45, 7. Gif ǽnig man wolde heora ōdruin fylstan, Homl. Skt. ii. 27, 56. (a I) where an infinitive may be supplied from the context :-- His nēxtan be his mihte gehelpan, and ofer his mihte wyllan to help his neighbour according to his power, and to wish to help him beyond his power, Homl. Th. i. 584, 9. (b) with an accusative :-- Ðæt dæt dū wylt, dæt dū lufast, Homl. Th. i. 282, 5. Hwæt wille gē? Coll. Monast. Th. 32, 23 : Blickl. Homl. 155, 35. For ealle de willaþ dæt hē wile, L. Ath. iv. 3; Th. i. 222, 20. Hē cwæþ: ' Hwæt wilt dū dæt ic dē do?' Næs dæt ná dæt hē nyste hwæt se blinda wolde. Blickl. Homl. 19, 33. Hig dydon ymbe hyne swā hwæt swā hig woldon (waldon, Lind. : waldun, Rush.), Mt. Kmbl. 17, 12. Bide mē swā hwæt swā dū wylle (willt l wælle. Lind.) . . . ic dē sylle swā hwæt swā dū mē bitst, þeáh dū wylle healf mīn rīce, Mk. Skt. 6, 22, 23. Behreówsunge mā wyllan dænne deá d penitentiam malle quam mortem, Anglia xi. 119, 66. ¶ the present participle used with force of Latin forms in -dus :-- Gefeán dære willendan gesynto cupitae sospitatis gaudia, Bd. 4, 3; S. 570, 22. (c) with a clause :-- Wilt dū dæt ic dē secge? Salm. Kmbl. 506; Sal. 253. Wilt dū dæt ic gelȳfe? Blickl. Homl. 179, 35. Ǣghwylc mon wile dæt him Drihten selle ealle his þearfe, 51, 15. Hū hē wolde dæt mon him miltsode, Past. 16 ; Swt. 101, 10. Hē walde d-baræt hī wǣren gedrēfde, 58 ; Swt. 443, II. Wolde, Exon. Th. 74, 7 ; Cri. 1203. Wē woldun dū gesáwe dæt . . . , 130, 16; Gū. 439. Hi woldun, dæt . . . , 123, 17; Gū. 324. Hī willen dæt him Dryhten tō hyra earfeda ende gerȳme, 115, 25; Gū. 195. For dȳ ic wolde dæt hié ealneg aelig;t dære stōwe wǣren, Past. pref. ; Swt. 9, 5. For don hē dis dyde dæt hē wolde dæt hié ne wǣron gedrēfede, Blickl. Homl. 17, I. IVa. to like (where there is an expressed or implied condition) :-- Ic wolde dē ācsian hwæþer wē ǣnigne frȳdōm habban, Bt. 40, 7; Fox 242, 13. Wolde ic freóndscipe dīnne, gif ic mihte, begitan, Andr. Kmbl. 956; An. 478. Wolde ic ānes tō dē cræftes neósan, 966; An. 483. Gif hæleþa hwone hlīsan lyste, donne ic hine wolde biddan, Met. 10, 3. Wolde ic, dæt dū funde da, Elen. Kmbl. 2157; El. 1080. Eall þing habbaþ ǣnne willan, dæt is dæt hī woldon ā bión, Bt. 34, 12; Fox 152, 29. V. to will, be willing to do something, (a) with an infinitive expressed or implied :-- Gyf dū wylt, dū miht mē geclǣnsian . . . Ic wylle; beó geclǣnsod, Mt. Kmbl. 8, 2-3. Gif dū þeáh mínum wilt wordum hýran, Cd. Th. 35, 24; Gen. 559. Wylt, Beo. Th. 3709; B. 1852. Ne wylt dū ofergeottul weordan noli oblivisci. Ps. Th. 102, 2: 118, 31. Ne wile Sarran gelȳfan wordum mīnum, Cd. Th. 144, II; Gen. 2388: 161, 7; Gen. 2661. Gif wit him geongordōm lǣstan willaþ, 41, 27; Gen. 663. Gif git dæt fæsten fȳre willaþ forstandan, 152, 17; Gen. 2521. Wille gē beón beswungen on leornunge? Coll. Monast. Th. 18, 18. Gif dū woldest myltsian, and swā þeáh ne mihtest . . . dæt dū ne mæge myltsían, þeáh dū wylle. Homl. Skt. i. 3, 184-188. Ne durfon wē dæs wēnan, dæt wuldorcyning ǣfre wille eard ālēfan, Cd. Th. 272, 7; Sat. 116: 281, 25; Sat. 277. Ne willaþ eów andrǣdan, 194, 25 ; Exod. 266. Ic nū suna mīnum syllan wolde (should be ready to give) gūdgewǣdu, dǣr mē gifede ǣnig yrfeweard æfter wurde, Beo. Th. 5452; B. 2729. Ðǣr dū fromlīce freónda lārum hȳran wolde, Exon. Th. 129, 22; Gū. 425. Hié gehēton dæt hiera kyning fulwiht onfōn wolde, Chr. 878; Erl. 80, 18. Hē cwæd dæt hē wolde dam wīfe gemyltsian, Homl. Skt. i. 3, 179. Hē getrūwode dæt hié his giongor-scipe fylgan wolden, Cd. Th. ifj, 27; Gen. 249: 46, 15; Gen. 744. Nymde hié frides wolde wilnian;. 229, 9; Dan. 214. Ðǣr hȳ hit tō gōde ongietan woldan if they had been willing to understand it aright, Exon. Th. 68, 22; Cri. 1107. Gif dū mīnum wilt, wīf, willende wordum hȳran, Cd. Th. 35, 25; Gen. 560. ¶ along with negative forms of the verb :-- Saga him swā hē wille, swā hē nelle, hē sceal cuman die illi quia, velit nolet, debet venire, Bd. 5, 9 ; S. 623, II. Wē sceolon, wylle wē nelle wē, ārīsan, Homl. Th. i. 532, 7. Wē sceolon beón nēde geþafan, sam wē willan, sam wē nyllan, Bt. 34, 12 ; Fox 154, 7. Se brym hine bær, wolde he, nolde he, Homl. Th. ii. 388, 20. (b) with accusative, to allow, permit, grant, consent to :-- Ne willaþ hié rūmor unc landriht heora, Cd. Th. 114, 27; Gen. 1910. Se cāsere hine dreátade dæt hē Criste widsōce. Ðā hē dæt ne walde, Shrn. 71, 33. Ne dæt wille God, Cd. Th. 114, 13; Gen. 1903. (c) with a clause :-- Nō God wolde, dæt sió sāwl sār þrowade, Exon. Th. 126, 29; Gū. 378. VI. to be disposed, to have such and such a will :-- Ðæt man his Scyppend lufige and da men de wel willaþ (the men that are of good will). Homl. Skt. i. 16, 254. Ðæt hē widstonde dǣm. de on wōh wiellen (cf. dām unryhtwillendum, 89, 22), Past. 15; Swt. 91, I. Ðæt hē geornlīce fylste dām de riht willan, and á hetelíce stýre ðam ðe þwyres willan, L. I. P. 2 ; Th. ii. 304, 17. VII. of habitual action :-- Ða inge-doncas de wealcaþ in dæs monnes mōde, de ǣfre willaþ licgean on dæm eordlīcum gewilnungum quando cogitationes volvuntur in mente, quae a terretns desideriis numqutam levantur, Past. 21; Swt. 155, 22. Hē wolde æfter ūhtsange oftost hine gebiddan and on cyrcan standan on syndrigunl gebedum, Homl. Skt. ii. 26, 114. Hwæþer gē willen on wuda sēcan gold? Met. 19, 4. Ðæt se lāreów sceolde beón miehtig tō tyhtanne on hālwende lāre, and eác tō dreánne da de him widstondan wiellen ut potens sit exhortari in doctrina sana, et eos, qui contradicunt, arguere, Past. 15; Swt. 91, 16. VIII. to will, profess, claim :-- Hē wæs swā upāhafen, dæt hē wolde beón god . . . wolde rēnas wyrcan, swylce hē sylf god wǣre, Homl. Skt. ii. 27, 27-33. IX. as an auxiliary for the future, will, shall, to be about to :-- Gif hē mē cūd ne bid, ic wille him suīde ræde andwyrdan (protinns respondents), Past. 10; Swt. 63, 4. Hwæt wille ic dissum widersacan geandwyrdan? Homl. Th. i. 378, II. Hē wæs cweþende : ' Ic mē wille nū onhwyrfan tō disse bǣre . . . " Ðā wæs hē gongende, Blickl. Homl. 151, 14. Ic mīne sāwle wylle Gode underþeódan nonne Deo subdita erit anima mea? Ps. Th. 61, I. Gif dū ūre unriht wilt behealdan si iniquitates observaveris, 129, 3. Gif dū ǣfre cymst tō dære stōwe, donne wilt dū cweþan (dices), Bt. 36, 2 ; Fox 174, 22 : Met. 24, 48. Se de wyle sprecan loquuturus, Ælfc. Gr. 41 ; Zup. 247, 15, II: 248, 6. Gif hiere ne bid sōna gestiéred, hió wile weahsan mid ungemete (sine mensura dilatatur), Past. II; Swt. 71, 16. Ðæt wile þincan ungeleáflīc eallum dæm de da stōwe on ufUNCERTAINm tīdum geseód, Lchdm. iii. 438, 14. Hwæþer hit hysecild de mǣdencild beōn wille, ii. 172, 18. Hē wyle naman dīnne herian laudabunt nomen tuum, Ps. Th. 73, 20. Hwā wyle mē gelǣdan? quis deducet me? 59, 8. Hwæt wille wē cweþan be dīnum sunum? quid dicam liberos? Bt. 10; Fox 28, 30: Homl. Skt. ii. 28, 117: Homl. Th. ii. 448, 13. Hit wolde dagian the day was about to break, Homl. Skt. i. 21, 123. Hit ǣfnian wolde, 23, 245. His ādumum de woldon wīfian on his dohtron generos suos, qui accepturi erant filias ejus, Gen. 19, 14. Wāt ic dæt dū wile gilpan, Salm. Kmbl. 409; Sal. 205. Hwæt God mǣlan wille quid loquatur Deus, Ps. Th. 84, 7. Ic wāt dætte wile woruldmen tweógan (cf. went eall moncyn on tweónunga, Bt. 4; Fox 8, 17), Met. 4, 51. Ne hē sōd-fæste lǣteþ dæt hī tō unrihte willen handum rǣcean ut non extendant justi ad iniquitatem manus suas, Ps. Th. 124, 4. Wēn is dæt hī ūs lifigende wyllen forsweolgan forsitan vivos deglutissent nos, 123, 2. Swā ic ǣr sægde dæt ic dōn wolde, Blickl. Homl. 183, 29. Ðeáh dū onsōce dæt dū sōd godu lufian wolde, Exon. Th. 254, 10; Jul. 195. Ðā Darius geseah dæt hē oferwonnen beón wolde Darius cum vinci suos videret, Ors. 3, 9; Swt. 128, 6: Blickl. Homl. 15, 34. Hū wolde dæt geweordan? Elen. Kmbl. 909; El. 456. Wēn is dæt hī ūs woldan gesūpan forsitan absorbuissent nos. Ps. Th. 123, 3. IX a. without an infinitive :-- Hwænne dū mē wylle tō quando venies ad me, Ps. Th. 100, l. Ǽr him se fefer tō wille. Lchdm. ii. 134, 24, 22. IXb. as optative :-- Wolde hūru se earming hine sylfne beþencan, Homl. Skt. i. 19, 161. [Goth. wiljan; p. wilda: O. Sax. willian, wellian ; p. welda : O. Frs. s.willa, wella; p. wilde, welde, wolde: O. H. Ger. wellan, wollan; p. wolta : Icel. vilja ; p. vilda.] willan