Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - wintan-ceaster
According to the Old English Dictionary:
(Wintun-, Winta (-e, -i), Win-), e: Wænte, an;
- Wintan-ceaster
- f. Winchester. [The name is got from the earlier Venta of Roman Britain. This form occurs in Latin works, e. g. : In Venta civitate, Bd. 4, 15: Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 300, 16. Monasterium in Wenta positum, vi. 29, 16. Also the adjective Wentanus (Uentanus, Bd. 5, 18), e. g. : Wentanus episcopus, the South Saxons) ǽr tó Wintanceastre biscopscíre ad civitatis Ventanae parochiam pertinebant, Bd. 5, 18; S. 639, 14. Daniel Wæntan biscop, Chr. 731; Erl. 47, 11. Intó Wintanceastre, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. ii. 114, 26: iii. 111, 29. Gange án gemet swilce man on Lundenbyrig and on Wintanceastre (Winta-, v. l.) healde, L. Edg. ii. 8; Th. i. 270, 2. Seó gerǽdnys ðe Cnut cyningc gerǽdde on Wintanceastre (Win-, v. l.), L. C. E. proem. ; Th. i. 358, 7. Cénwalh hét átimbran ða ciricean on Wintunceastre (Wintan-, v. l.), Chr. 643 ; Erl. 26, 9. Hér Danihel gesæt on Wintanceastre, 744; Erl. 48, 1. Hedde heóld ðone biscopdóm on Wintaceastre (Wintan-, v. l.), 703; Erl. 42, 22. Hí West-Seaxna bisceopum underþeódde wǽron, ða ðe on Wintaceastre wǽron, Bd. 4, 15 ; S. 583, 35. Tó Wintaceastre (Winte-, v. l.) .vi. myneteras, L. Ath. i. 14 ; Th. i. 206, 31 : Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 326, 16. Winteceastre, ii. 176, 11: v. 163, 11. Tó ealdan mynstære tó Winticeastræ, ii. 127, 12. Syþþan ðæt gemót wæs on Winceastre, L. C. S. 30 ; Th. i. 392, 26. Ðes Swíðún wæs bisceop on Winceastre, Homl. Skt. i. 21, 14. Æðelwold biscop on Winceastre, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. vi. 207. 6. wintan-ceaster