
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - winter-fylleþ

According to the Old English Dictionary:

the month of October. Bede, speaking of the months, says: Antiqui Anglorum populi . . . annum totum in duo tempora, hiemis et aestatis dispertiebant, sex menses . . . aestati tribuendo, sex reliquos hiemi; unde et mensem, quo hiemalia tempora incipiebant, Wintirfyllith appellabant, composite nomine ab hieme et plenilunio, quia videlicet a plenilunio ejusdem mensis hiems sortiretur initium . . . Wintirfyllith potest dici compositio novo nomine hiemi pleniuni. Cf. winter, I:--Se teóða mónð, October, Winterfylleð, swá hine cíg[a]ð ígbuende, Engle and Seaxe, Menol. Fox 365; Men. 184. Ðone teóðan mónð mon nemneþ on Léden Octember, and on úre geðeóde Winterfylleð, Shrn. 136, 31: 143, 32. winter-fylleþ