
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - wirn

According to the Old English Dictionary:


f. A hindrance, obstacle, difficulty:--Gif hé geðyldelíce forbyrð ǽgðer ge hosp ge edwít, and on ðære wirne þeáh þurhwunaþ and eádmódlíce bitt, ðæt him man infæres tíðige, sý hé underfangen si veniens perseveraverit pulsans, et inlatas sibi injurias et difficultatem ingressus visus fuerit patienter portare et persistere petitioni sue, annuatur ei ingressus, R. Ben. 96, 7. Færð ðæt fýr ofer eall . . . ne nán man næfð ðæra mihta, ðæt ðǽr ǽnige wyrne dó the fire will go everywhere . . . and no one will be able to hinder it, Wulfst. 138, 7.

Related words: wearn, wirnan. wirn
