
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - wit(t)

According to the Old English Dictionary:


n. I. right mind, wits:--Wóde hé gehǽlde, and on witte gebróhte, Homl. Skt. i. 15, 7. II. wit, intelligence, understanding:--Ðæs ðú scealt werhðo dreógan, þeáh ðín wit duge, Beo. Th. 1183; B. 589. III. the mind:--Ðeós gítsunc hafaþ gumena gehwelces mód ámerred, ðæt hé máran ne récð, ac hit on witte weallende byrnð, Met. 8, 45. [O. Frs. wit; O. H. Ger. wizzi ingenium, ratio: Icel. vit consciousness, sense, understanding: Goth. un-witi ignorance, foolishness.]

Related words: ge-wit; bil-, fyr-wit. witt
