Wita. i
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - wita. i
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- wita. I
- add :-- Á swá hé gecneordra (bið), swá bið hé weorðra, gyf hé wið witan hafað his wísan gemǽne, Angl. ix. 260, 20. II. add :-- Hé nyste hwæs hé geléfan sceolde, þá hine þá swýdost on un-gewisse gebróhton þe his witan beón sceoldon. Hml. S. 23, 398. II a. add :-- Witan hym (the king) sceolan rǽdan, O. E. Hml. i. 301, l. III. add :-- Þá geþafode ꝥ se ealda wita (senex) and lǽdde þone cniht mid him tó þám mynstre, Gr. D. 242, 22. Witum senioribus (Mt. 16, 21), An. Ox. 61, 19. IV. add :-- Hé wæs him sylfum þæs wita (testis), Gr. D. 265, 22. Hé cwæð ꝥ hé wǽre se cúðesta wita (gewita, ) hyre clǽnnesse dicens se testem integritatis suae esse certissimum, Bd. 4, 19; Sch. 440, 21. v. Angel-, eald-, heáh-wita. wita,-wita