Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - wræc-mæcg
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- wræc-mæcg
- m. A wretch :-- Wræcmæcgas, ða ðe ne bimumaþ monnes feore, Exon. Th. 109, 35 ; Gú. 100. Gé dyslíce dǽd gefremedon, werge wræcmæcgas, Elen. Kmbl. 773 ; El. 387. Hyne wræcmæcgas ofer sǽ sóhton, Beo. Th. 4748; B. 2379. ¶ used of evil spirits :-- Wræcmæcgas, . . . Godes andsacan, Exon. Th. 116, 5 ; Gú. 202 : 118, 3; Gú. 234: 135, 26; Gú. 530. Wræcmæcgas, wergan gǽstas, 23, 3; Cri. 363. wræc-mæcg