
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - á-biddan

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Add : I. to pray :-- Tó mæginðrymme ðínum tó ábiddanne (idoneos) ad majestatem tuam exorandum. Rtl. 87, 31. II. to pray to, entreat a person :-- Ábiddaþ (biddaþ, ) hine. Bt. 42 ; F. 258, 21. III. to ask for, entreat, (1) with acc. of thing :-- Seó áwyrgednes ðe eówer yldran ábǽdon sylfe, . . . ðá hió cwǽdon . . . , H. R. 7. 22. (1 a) where the person from whom is given :-- Heó ábæd án hridder hire tó lǽne æt óðrum wífe praestari sibi capisterium petiit, Gr. D. 96. 33. Hí ábǽdon (petierunt) æt ðám Egiptiscon hira fatu, Ex. 12, 35. Ðǽm ðe bið máre befæst, from ðǽm máre bið ábeden, R. Ben. 14, 4. (1 b) where the person for whom is given :-- Willtú wit unc ábiddan drincan?, Bd. 5, 3; S. 616, 30. (2) the request given in a clause :-- Ðú ábǽde æt mé, ðæt ic ðé write. Guth. 4, 20. IV. to get by asking, (1) with acc. of thing :-- Hié sendon Hannan, and hé hit ábæd Annonis oratione meruerunt, Ors. 4, 7; S. 182, 13. Ðá ábæd heó án hridder she borrowed a sieve, Hml. Th. ii. 154, 15. Hé wénde ðæt hit sum óðer man ábiddan wolde oþþe gebicgan (would get it by asking or by purchase), Chr. 1044; P. 164, 11. Ðeáh ðe ic georne bǽde, ne mihte ic lýfnesse ábiddan porro diligentius obsecrans, nequaquam impetrare potui. Bd. 5, 6; S. 619, 8. (1 a) the object a clause :-- Ðá ábǽdan hý uneáðe, ðæt mon geðylgode sume hwíle, Wlfst. 100, 7. (1 b) the object an acc. and infin. :-- Lucius bæd hine Crístenne beón and eác ábæd, Bd. 1, 4; S. 475, 25. (2) where the person from whom the object (acc. or clause) is obtained is given :-- Ðá ábǽdon hié æt Gode, ðæt hit rínde ad invocationem nominis Christi vis pluviae effecta est, Ors. 6, 13; S. 268, 15. Ðæt gé æt ǽnegum godum mehten rén ábiddan ut optati imbres superveniant, 4, 10; S. 194, 26: Bl. H. 187, 19. Hé hæfde of óþerum þeódum ábeden 1111 CM, Ors. 2, 5; S. 80, 5. Gif hé wolde ábiddan æt Gode, ðæt hé móste his feónde áfyllan, Chr. 626; P. 25, 11: 1093; P. 228, 15. (3) where the person for whom is given :-- Ðæt oft wǽpen ábæd his mondryhtne weapon oft it (a sheath) got for its lord, Rä. 56, 12. (4) where the purpose for which is given :-- Hió hiere tó fultume ábæd Molosorum cyning prosequente rege Molossorum, Ors. 3, 11; S. 148, 11. (5) where (2) and (3) are combined :-- Monige men him forgifenesse æt úrum Drihtne ábiddaþ, Bl. H. 65, 8. Ðá Pyhtas heom ábǽdon wíf æt Scottum, Chr. P. p. 3, 15. (6) with gen. of thing :-- Sé ðe sum wundorlíc ðing on Godes naman dón wile, oððe sé ðe sumes wundres dyslíce æt Gode ábiddan wile, Hml. Th. 170, 30. (7) govt. uncertain :-- Gif hwá him ryhtes bidde, and ábiddan ne mæge, L. In. 8 ; Th. i. 106, 21. [Goth. us-bid(j)an optare: O. Sax. á-biddian: O. H. Ger. ar-bitan obsecrare, exposcere : Ger. er-bitten.] v. un-ábeden and ábeden in Dict. a-biddan

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