Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - á-hildan
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- á-hildan
- Add: I. literal, of downward direction, (1) trans. :-- 'Áhyld hit wærlíce' (cf. áhyld þá flaxan inclina flasconem, Gr. D. 142, 5) . . . Hé áhylde þæt wín wærlíce, Hml. Th. ii. 170, 18-20. Heó áhylde hire heáfod tó ðǽre mýsan, 184, 2. Áhældon ꝥ onsión on eorðo declinarent vultum in terram, Lk. L. 24, 5. Næs him nán wén ꝥ se beám . áhwár wende búton tó ðám hálgan swá swá hé áhyld wæs, Hml. Th. ii. 508, 32: Hml. S. 31, 407. Áhyldne reclinem, An. Ox. 2227. Áhyldum heáfde inclinato capite, R. Ben. I. 36, 2: Hml. Th. ii. 258, 2. (2) intrans. :-- Sunne tó setle áhylde, Hml. S. 23 b, 498. Ðeós wyrt hafaþ leáf nyþer wið þá eorþan áhyldende, Lch. i. 274, 14. II. figurative, (l) trans, (a) to incline, decline :-- Hi UNCERTAIN (conjunctions) áhyldað and gebígað heora swég tó ðám stæfgefége þe him ætforan stent, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 265, 2. Ne ne áhylde nec inclinat (statum cordis), An. Ox. 7, 307. Hé bið áheld declinatur (a malo), Kent. Gl. 549. (b) to cast down, destroy :-- Áfyl l UNCERTAIN áhyld praecipita, Ps. Spl. 54, 9: Bl. Gl. Áheldre declivi. vel proni, humiliati, Wrt. Voc. ii. 138, 12. (2) intrans. To incline, decline :-- Ealle hí áhyldon omnes declinaverunt, Ps. Spl. 13, 4. Ne áhaeld ðú from ðiówe ðínum ne declines a servo tuo, Ps. Srt. 26, 9. in Dict., and heald, on-hildan. a-hildan