
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - a-lǽdan

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

p. de; pp. ed [a from, lǽdan to lead] I. to lead, lead out, withdraw, take away; ducere, producere, educere :-- Ic alǽdde ðé of lande eduxi te de terra, Ps. Spl. 80, 9: Ps. Th. 80, 10: 142, 12: 103, 14: Cd. 73; Th. 90, 15; Gen. 1495. Ic eom alǽded fram leóhte I am led out from the light, Cd. 217; Th. 275, 27; Sat. 178: Ps. Spl. 108, 22. II. to be produced, brought forth, to grow; produci :-- Ðú of foldan fódder neátum lǽtest alǽdan thou permittest fodder to be produced from the earth for cattle, Ps. Th. 103, 13. Swylce he of ægerum út alǽde as it from an egg had been brought forth, Exon. 593; Th. 214, 3; Ph. 233: 59b; Th. 215, 11; Ph. 251. a-lædan