Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - á-lísan
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
(-lýsan, q. v.
- á-lísan
- in Dict.). I. to detach, remove :-- Næs wlóh of hrægle álýsed ne loc of heáfde, An. 1474. II. to redeem a fault :-- Ðá synna hié mid hira ælmessan áliésað peccata eleemosynis redimunt, Past. 327, 14. Ðæt hé heora senna álýsan mæge, Bl. H. 43, 14. III. to release, rescue, redeem, free :-- Ðú álést liberabis, Kent. Gl. 883. Áliéset eximet, Wrt. Voc. ii. 107, 46. Álýst evellet, i. eruet, 144, 31. Þá áliésde Eádweard hine mid. xl. pundum, Chr. 918; P. 98, 15. IIIa. to release from something, (l) with a case :-- Álýs mé feóndum, Ps. Th. 70, 3. Leahtra álýsed, Dóm. 77. (2) with prep, (æt, fram, of) :-- Mildheortnyss álýst fram ðám écan deáðe, Hml. Th. ii. 102, 3. Þæt hine God álýsde ǽgðer ge æt his mettrumnesse ge æt his feóndum, Ps. Th. 27, arg. God hine álýsde æt his feóndum . . . hé sceolde álýsed beón ǽgðer ge fram Iudéum ge of ðý deáðe, 29, arg. Se cyng eall Normandig æt him mid feó álísde, Chr. 1096; P. 232, 32. Ðæt lond æt him álésan, Ors. l, 10; S. 44, 9. Bióð álésede of liberabuntur, Kent. Gl. 355. IIIb. to make free in respect to a person or thing (wiþ, for) :-- Nú álýse ic mé sylfne wið God I will free myself in relation to God, Hml. S. 17, 75. For leahtrum álés þíne gesceft, Hy. 8, 33. [Goth. us-lausjan: O. Sax. á-lósian: O. H. Ger. ar-lósen.] a-lisan