Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - á-meldian
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- á-meldian
- I. to make known what is secret, to reveal, disclose:--Gemyne ðú, mucgwyrt, hwæt ðú ámeldodest, Lch. iii. 30, 28. Ic bidde þé þaet ðú uncre sprǽce on mínum lífe nánum ne ámeldige, Hml. Th. ii. 146, 36. Se apostol his gesihðe mannum ámeldian ne móste, 333, 26. Heó ne móste ná hire cynn ámeldian, Hml. A. 95, 93. Hí (the seven sleepers) wurdon ðá (after their waking) ámeldode þám burhwarum, Hml. Th. ii. 436, 5. II. to make known what one desires to conceal, to expose, disclose:--Hé ámeldode heora mánlice geþóhtas, Hml. A. 76, 75. Hé him sylf his gylt ámeldian nolde, R. Ben. 72, 2. Wearð Melantia ofsceamod, wénde ꝥ heó wolde hyre word ámeldian, Hml. S. 2, 179. Hit wearð þurh þá ámeldad þe hé geþóht hæfde þæt him tó þǽre dǽde fylstan sceolde quae res per ministros prodita, Ors. 4, 5; S. 166, 29. III. to give information that leads to discovery or detection, (1) about persons, to denounce, betray, inform against:--Sume ámeldodon heora crístenan mágas, Hml. Th. ii. 542, 22. Wé nellað þé ámeldian, Hml. S. 23, 591. Hé hine nolde ámeldian ðám éhterum, 19, 37. Ús ne gebyraðD 2tó ameldigenne ðá scyldigan, Hml. Th. ii. 492, 3. Hé wearð ámeldod fram his ágenum fæder, 500, 6. Hé wearð ámeldod (the lot fell upon him), Jos. 7, 18. Heó wolde geneálǽcan on wærlicum híwe, ꝥ heó ne wurde ámeldod, Hml. S. 2, 53. Se bróðor þe giltig ámeldod bið ðám abbode þurh óðerne man and nó þurh hine selfne, R. Ben. 71, 13. Wurdon ámeldode seofon hálige men, Hml. S. 23, 119. (2) about things:--Ǽnig þára þe ꝥ dyrne orf ámeldað any one that gives information about stolen cattle, Ll. Th. i. 276, 33. Heó hyt ámeldode and þus cwæð: 'Hyt is belocen on mýnre bedcofan,' Hml. A. 189, 241. Scealt þú þínes unþances þone hord ámeldian, þe þú sylfwilles ǽr noldest cýðan, Hml. S. 23, 716. a-meldian