Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - á-spyrian
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- á-spyrian
- Add: I. to track, reach by following the track :-- Hwá áspyreð ðæt deófol of geofones holte and hine gebringeð on Crístes cempena fæðmum, Sal. K. 146, 27. II. to investigate, examine so as to get knowledge of a subject :-- Se sceáwre þe þis gewrit áspyrað, Angl. viii. 331, Swýðe nearwelíce hé hit létt út áspyrian (of the compilation of Doomsday Book), Chr. 1085; P. 216, 26. Ne magon ðǽre tungan mægnes swíðmódnisse áspyrian, Sal. K. 150, 4. Ðæt nǽre nǽnig manna ðæt mihte ðǽra twégra tweón áspyrian that there was no man could settle by his investigations the doubt about the two (subst. this for trans, in Dict.), Sal. 434. Tó áspyrienne ob indaganda, Wrt. Voc. ii. 77, 64. Fore tó áspyrianne, 62, 55. Hyt ys tó áspyrianne hwæt hyt getácnað, Angl. viii. 336, 46: 333, 8. Áspyrigende indagantes, Wrt. Voc. ii. 44, 10. III. to find out :-- Iulius se cásere þisne bissextum gemétte oððe áspirode, Angl. viii. 306, 40. [O. H. Ger. ar-spurien peragrare.] a-spyrian