
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - á-wrítan

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. to write out or down, write words:--Áurítteð l áurát (scribebat) on eorðe, Jn. L. 8, 6. Heora ǽlces naman áwrít (superscribes) on his girde, Num. 17, 2. Áwrítt, eádgo deádo scribe, beati mortui, Rtl. 48, 5. Wé ne magon swáþeáh ealle naman áwrítan, ne furþon geþencan, Wrt. Voc. i. 86, 74. 'Nelle ðú áwríta (-urítte, L.) cyning Iudéana' . . . Ondsuorade ðe groefa: 'Ꝥte ic wrátt (áurát, L.) ic wrát (áurát, L.), Jn. R. 19, 21-2. Wæs áwriten (-uritten, L.) on Crécisc, 20. Hira naman hér sint áwritene, Num. 13, 5. Bóca mid golde áwritenra, Bt. 5, 1; F. 10, 18. II. to transcribe, copy in writing:--Bidde ic, gif hwá þás bóc áwrítan wylle, þæt hé híi geornlíce gerihte be þǽre bysene, Hml. Th. i. 8, 10. III. to state in writing:--Swá holde ꝥ hié on monegum templum áwriten, ꝥ ǽlc crísten mon hæfde frið . . . and Antonius hét forbærnan ꝥ gewrit þe hit on áwriten wæs hwæt mon on geáre ágiefan sceolde, Ors. 6, 13; S. 268, 18-23. Hit is áwrieten on ðǽm godspelle ðæt . . ., Past. 403, 1. IV. of authorship, to write a book, letter, &c.:--Áwrát elicuit (tractatus), Wrt. Voc. ii. 31, 58: edidit (opusculum), 85, 82: digessit (librum), 91, 48. Monige godspellas áwritton, Mt. p. 7, 1. Þæt hé áwrite tenuisse (oraculorum seriem), Wrt. Voc. ii. 77, 66. Hié nǽron on hiora ágen geðióde áwritene, Past. 5, 13. IV a. where quotation is made:--Swá swá áwrát ut (Psalmista) cyrografatur, An. Ox. 2789. Moses áwrát, Mk. L. R. 12, 19. IV b. to write of or about something:--Be þám ic áwrát on óðrum gewrite, Ælfc. T. Grn. 2, 20. Hé áwrát be heora misdǽdum, Wlfst. 166, 17. Swindrige of óðrum áwuritun, Mt. p. 11, 9. Wille wé be him áwrítan, Chr. 1086; P. 219, 18. IV c. to write to:--Gesegen wæs mé ðé áwríto (-urítta, L.), Lk. R. 1, 3. V. to write an account of, describe:--Þæs cyn is beforan áwriten, Chr. 716; P. 42, 13. Hæbbe wé áwriten þǽre Asian súþdǽl meridianam partem Asiae descripsimus, Ors. 1, 1; S. 14, 5. (Subst. this for quotation in Dict. from Bos. 17, 42.) Áwriten wǽran pinguntur (in tomo castae praeconia vitae), Wrt. Voc. ii. 95, 42. VI. to inscribe the name of a person:--Wé wǽron ádílegode of þám frumgewrite þe wé tó heofenum áwritene wǽron, Wlfst. 252, 13. Hig wǽron áwritene ipsi descripti fuerunt, Num. 11, 26. VII. to write on material, cover with writing:--Þæt hé Alexandres wísan besceáwade, swá hé hit him eft hám bebeád on ánum brede áwriten, and siþþan hit áwriten wæs hé hit oferworhte mid weaxe virum ad perscrutandos Alexandri actus, qui omnia civibus suis per tabellas scripta; et post cera superlitas enunciebat, Ors. 4, 5; S. 168, 14. VIII. to make a symbol other than a letter:--Þá áwrát hé Crístes róde tácen on þæs blindes mannes eágum, Gr. D. 77, 26. a-writan