Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - æt-bredan
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
&c. l. æt-bregdan, -brédan;
- æt-bredan
- p. -brægd, -brǽd, pl. -brugdon, -brúdon; pp. -brogden, -bróden, and add: To take away from (with dat. or with preps, of, fram) :-- Ætbrǽt detorsit, Germ. 397, 368. I. with idea of deprivation :-- God forgeaf ðá ǽhta, and God hí eft ætbrǽd, Hml. Th. ii. 328, 30. Drihten mancynne ætbrǽd wuldor, þæt hé him wuldor forgeáfe, i. 578, 15. II. with idea of spoliation :-- Ic ætbréde vel ic forgrípe diripio, i. rapio, abstraho, eripio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 140, 48. Gif ic þurh unriht fácn ǽnigum men áht ætbrǽd (abstuli), Ll. Th. ii. 136, 9. Hé ætbrǽd mé míne frumcennedan, and nú óðre síðe forstæl míne bletsunga, Gen. 27, 36. Hig ealle heora bigleofan ætbrúdon, Jud. 6, 4. Nele hé his ǽhta him ætbrédan, Hml. Th. ii. 532, 21. Þá wyrta þe hé mid stale gewilnode tó ætbrédanne, Gr. D. 25, 16. Gif nýten byð ætbróden (caplum ab hostibus), Ex. 22, 10. Þá land þe ðá hǽðenan ætbrodon hæfdon, Hml. S. 30, 307. Æt-bróden direpta, An. Ox. 3647. III. with idea of rescue :-- Ic ætbréde oððe áhredde eripio, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 168, 9. Sé ðe úre fæderas feóndum ætbrǽd, Hml. S. 19, 153. Þám þe hé þám deófle ætbrǽd, 29, 156. IV. with idea of seduction :-- Ꝥ hé ús fordó and ús Drihtne ætbréde, Hml. A. 5, 122. Þá Gode gebróhte þe se deófol ætbrédan wolde, Hml. S. 5, 24. V. with idea of withdrawal, abstention :-- Se wísdóm hine sylfne ætbrét fram módes híwunge. Hml. Th. ii. 326, 3. Hé hine ætbrǽd þám flǽsclicum lustum, i. 58, 18. Hí ætbrúdon menn fram flǽsclicum lustum, 576, 23. Hé ætbréde (subtrahat) his líchaman of mette, R. Ben. I. 85, 5. VI. with idea of withholding, prevention :-- Ic ðé ætbréde míne rénas, þæt heó þínre eorðan ne rínað, Wlfst. . 159, 25. Hé ætbrǽd ꝥ gefeoht he would not let the battle take place, Hml. S. 31, 126. Ætbródenum his dǽle of wíne, R. Ben. I. 77, 14. VII. with idea of destroying, putting an end to :-- Ꝥ þú ádýlegie synna, þú þe synna ætbrýtst. Hml. S. 3, 544. Sé de ætbrýt and ádýlegað middaneardes synna, Hml. Th. ii. 38, 29. Þá blisse ús ne ætbrét nán man, Hml. A. 78, 144. Sé þe ætbrǽt (aufert) gást ealdra, Ps. L. 75, 13. Sé ðe ætbrúde synna, Hml. Th. ii. 40, 9. God mihte heora geswinc him ætbrédan, 162, 5. Dict. æt-bredan