
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - an-gin

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. a beginning :-- Angin origo. Wrt. Voc. ii. 128, 42. Of anginne ex integra, 145, 4. Tó anginne, tó edstaþelungum ad lumina vitae, An. Ox. 2214. Toanginnum ad lumina (limina), 4342. Seó wyrt gehnǽceþ ðá anginnu (the beginnings of the disease) þám wæterseócum, Lch. i. 272, 15. II. an enterprise, undertaking, attempt :-- ꝥ angin (building a fleet] wearð tídlice þurhtogen, Ors. 4, 6; S. 172, 3. ꝥ ꝥ angin (a war) nǽre gestilled, 6, 4; S. 260, 5. Romulus hiora anginn (founding Rome) geunclǽnsode mid his bróðor slege, 2, 2; S. 64, 23. Gif hwylc man úre angin (writing Gulhlac's life) and weorc tǽle, Guth. 4, l. III. persistent effort, enterprise, endeavour, pertinacity :-- þára þegna angin . . . ꝥ hié noldon þæs weallgebreces geswícan the pertinacity of the thanes in not desisting from breaking down the wall. Ors. 3, 9; S. 134, 27. Ðæt hé ðá medwiisan tó máran angienne (ad majora) gespóne, Past. 205, 17. Hú God þá mǽstan ofermétto and þæt mǽste angin on swá heánlice ofermétto ( the extreme perseverance in such contemptible pride ?) geniðerade, Ors. 2, 5; S. 84, 11. Anginna pertinacia, Kent. Gl. 1170. IIIa. practice of a rite, study :-- Nǽfre nán man ne geþrístlǽce ǽnigne deófles bígencg tó dónne, ne on wiccedóme, ne on ǽnegum ídelum anginne, Hml. A. 143, 123. Forsægenum þám onginnum (studiis; v. l. bígengum) þára bðccræfta. Gr. D. 95, 26. ꝥ hé forléte þá ongin þǽra bóccræfta relictis literarum studiis, 96, 19. IV. attempt on, attack :-- Ne becume mé fót l angin ofermódignesse non veniat mihi pes superbiae, Ps. L. 35, 12. Onginnum inceptis (machinamentorum). An. Ox. 4709. V. gesture, action :-- Angin gesticulatio, An. Ox. 2872. Hé fǽringa feóll tó þǽre eorðan mid egeslicum anginne, Chr. 1042 ; P. 162, 14. Anginnum gestibus, An. Ox. 7, 241: 8, 180. VI. action, proceedings, behaviour, treatment :-- Þá hé ðæs cáseres myclan hreówsunga geseah, him ꝥ hreów and his ꝥ sárlice anginn (his piteous proceedings). Hml. S. 23, 402. Hé began tó dreccenne mid dyrstigum anginne þá bisceopas he troubled the bishops by his audacious treatment of them, 37, 34. His cempan hine gelǽhton mid dyrstigum anginne (treated him with the utmost audacity), Hml. Th. ii. 252, 24. Hí tígdon þá fét tógædere mid gramlicum anginne, Hml. S. 35, 166. Hí woldon Egeam ácwellan and álǽdan ðone apostol of ðám cwearterne. Ðá cwæð Andreas: ' Ne ástyrige gé Drihten tó yrsunge mid eówerum anginne,' Hml. Th. i. 592, 4. Mid þǽm þe þá burgware swá geómorlic angin hæfdon while the citizens were engaged in such melancholy proceedings, Ors. 4, 5; S. 166, 15. [O. H. Ger. ana-ginn(i) initium.] See also ongin in Dict. an-gin

Verwandte Wörter: Hpt. Gl. 507, 61, which has
