Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - andergilde:--
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
Ne weorðe ðé nǽfre tó þæs wá ðæt ðú ne wéne betran andergilde, Prov. K. 41. In the passage given under
- andergilde:--
- un-andergilde (q. hwæt unandergildes should render quod non vilescat; this would make andergilde; adj. = of little value, for which little is paid. Such a force for ander- might perhaps be supported by the glosses andran, andarn in vanum given in Heyne's Altniederdeutsche Denkmäler. Andergilde in the proverb might thus mean at little cost, without effort (?), and the proverb be translated: Never let it get so bad with you that you don't hope for something better by things righting themselves. ander-gilde,andergilde--