Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - apostol
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- apostol
- m: also like the Lat. Apostolus; g. -i; m. One sent, an apostle; apostolus [ = GREEK from, GREEK to send] :-- Se eádiga apostol Simon the blessed apostle Simon, Homl. Th. ii. 492, 7. He apostolas geceás, ðæt sind ǽrendracan he chose apostles, that are messengers, Ælfc. T. 26, 17. Ðá gesáwon ða apostolas Drihten then the apostles saw the Lord, Homl. Th. ii. 494, 28. Ða apostoli becómon to ðære byrig, the apostles came to the city, 494, 14: 482, 18, 25, 27. Æt ðæra apostola fótum at the apostles' feet, 488, 4. Ðá fleáh ðæt folc eal to dám apostolum the folk then all fled to the apostles, 492, 12. Se ealdorman ðá ða apostolas mid him to ðam cyninge Xerxes gelǽdde the general then led the apostles with him to the king Xerxes, 486, 3. Ðæra twelf apostola naman duodecim apostolorum nomina, Mt. Bos. 10, 2: Cd. 226; Th. 300, 27; Sat. 571: Menol. Fox 242; Men. 122. DER. ealdor-apostol. apostol