
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - augustínus

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

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m; Lat. [Augustinus is correct in the quotations from the titles of the two following chapters of Bede, but in the A. Sax. text it is Agustínus] St. Augustine, the missionary sent by Pope Gregory to England, A. D. 597, and died May 26, 605; Augustínus :-- Ðæt se hálga Papa Gregorius Augustínum sende Angel-þeóde to bodiganne Godes word ut sanctus Papa Gregorius Augustinum ad prædicandum genti Anglorum verbum Dei miserit, Bd. 1, 23, titl; S. 485, 14. Augustínus cumende on Breotone Augustinus veniens Brittaniam, 1, 25, titl ; S. 486, 10. Hér com Augustinus and his geféran to Engla lande here, A. D. 597, Augustine and his companions came to England, Chr. 597; Th. 35, 41, col. 2 : 596; Th. 34, 37, col. 1 ; 35, 36, cols.1, 2. augustinus